26th November Shout Box

Stars & Stripes
Valiantly hoisted by WorldB the Brave

1. WorldB#3 USA A comeback? I'll call him the Rocket
2. miffy42#4 UK And you....you've excelled this month
3. mos623#1 USA Ah...my little rolling stone.
4. kick UK Huh? Oh have a hug kick. Fab work!
5. tihata#4 USA. 3 out 5 ain't bad.

What a good show. Seems to me keeping the yanks down is a hard job...nigh on impossible. But can they do it so late in the month? Naw..I say. But I'm laying no bets on either side.
My favourite Challenge player just had to be kick. Could'nt be any other...can't deny him of of his day of Fame after a PB like that...with panache...determination and nerves of steel. Good for you kick....now do it again.
Now a few days ago I was following private feuds on the course....remember? Well Rakka and Roly have sprinted off ahead...but there's another tussle developing between igotmeajd.....Kick (who's just parachuted in) and adumbledore40. Gee kick that was almighty rash....can you match these two american tigers? They're darn good these two...take it from me.
The other fisticuffs is like this...sallyowens33 sprinted off victorious and joined roofoo whilst finstockian...blazer40508 and fat woman9 are still head to head and no one's giving ground. The fighting spirit is phenomenal. Remember guys...every single point you can win counts.

And the Mogul?
Yesterday's Movie Mogul was jules44#1 UK

And is that talent to be admired or what when you can come tops in both tourneys. jules#44 is a big name in both. A super duper heroine in my book.
And by the way I love ya avatar on FT...was tempted to post it here.
My favourite Mogul player was ryanknight...yeh...came 5th ...has played 20 days this month...always comes in under 60 secs and has nabbed bonus points 14 times. If all of you did that I'd be handing out more points on the Mogul than the Challenge. ryanknight is smart...he's figured it out.
Got an alert to issue here....vivtriv and Pix take care...look back over ya shoulders..tihata is going to try and run you down.
And StuHern and kwd42co are pummelling each other....I've deemd it wise to send out the penguin referees to monitor this one. And boy have they got their work cut out at the moment cos...just behind...something is brewing between Canadian Cousin...Mink...QueenMary...romeomikegolf and poolosopher. Now that is one brave american! Stretchers at the ready I fear.

Right...better get off and do my bit...that's to say update the Mogul bonus table.

Handy Links
Wh0's winning so far....and with not long left to go nerves are starting to fray.

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