19th October Shout Box

Stars & Stripes
3 Days In A Row
Hoisted by strnog1

1. strnog1#3 USA. Heh..heh..First win!And tact is called for here.
2. mos623#1 USA Strnog1 had mos on his bum..say no more
3. tihata#2 USA And sharing the same time..the rearguard
4. thereds4ever UK Ouch..got muscled back into 4th.
5. MaggieG#4 UK But you two averted USA supremacy!

And was'nt that a good thing. Mos623 was throwing down the gauntlet from the sidelines...trying to shatter the UK nerve. Hey..mos623...UK team have nerves of galvanised steel you know! But I love it when you all get chatting and taking sniper shots at each other...Keep it up! Love it!
Right...I digress...back to tournament chat.
One or two..actually a few of you are in darn good postions to hightail it up the leaderboard..you have'nt played as many games or are putting in such consistent cracking results you can leapfrog...avoid the nasty skirmishes...and collect less battle bruises. You lucky guys/gals go for it!
peachy 1...greenwitch...shadowzep
Yeh...there's a few nasty pileups strewn across the battlefield.
Look at this ! Cor....I'll need to referee this one for sure.
Roly...69pts... romeomikegolf...68pts. .. bggirl...67pts...
Jazzrockfusion...67 pts. daver852...66 pts. Watch you don't flattened in the stampede Roly!
And I've got the plaster casts and bandages ready for this one....which is even closer...
Elwood011..34 pts...dinka...34pts...fat_woman9...34 pts ..too.blondejo31...34 pts yet again!
Gee...when I said play hard you all took it too heart did'nt you. That's why I've grown so sentimentally fond of you.
My favourite Challenge player yesterday without question has to be reds4ever. What a brave little player...ducking and dodging and running rings around the top hotshots. More! More!
And the Mogul event?
Yesterdays smartest Music Mogul was miffy42#3 UK
What can I say...you're turning into one of the indisputable Eternal Greats. Players will learn to shudder when they hear your name. And my favourite mogul? Could'nt decide between 2 of you...so I've got 2. My faves are Roofoo...because you shot home in 14th! Well done! (love your name by the way). And JJay UK cos at 16th he was where he usually is and ought to be.

Right...that's the post mortem complete.
I'm off to watch the games....and I reckon today should be UK bash america day. I can be prophetic about these things aswell.
3 days that Stars & Stripes has been flying you know. Neither side has beaten 3 days on the trot yet this month. There...that should galvanize any sleepy UK players. Can't have an american first now can you.

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