29th September Shout Box


Hoisted by julieanne123

Well Done

Congratulations on your first win and a dead snappy time too considering the questions get harder as the week goes on.

1. julieanne123 USA . Yesterdays highest climber too in the Top 20.
2. cyprus1 UK. The first of the super duper Brits who romped in.
3. Beckyel#7 UK Hello....wonderful to see you.
4. Seurat UK. The UK avalanche continues....
5. midgetmark#2 UK Ah...my midget.

Hey...where did all the big guns go? Good work guys...that's the way to do it. Shove them aside. Show no respect. Ain't it nice to see some new talent. julieanne123 certainly took the Call To Arms seriously....and delivered the goods. And the UK...getting tired of that swamp of red everyday? Don't blame you. cyprus1 is really starting to get into his stride. And Beckyel and Seurat...I'm chuffed for you. Fine performances from all.

Every point counts now. This tug-of-war is tight. Just think one point earned could make the difference between victory or defeat for one team. One loser. Now I know there's only 2 teams but we could call the loser the Runner Up...sounds kinder...less demoralising.

Just had a crafty peek over the parapet and.......yikes....after yesterdays stompin stormin effort by the UK...today...the USA have so far swiped the first 8 places!
Never ever has the fighting been so ferocious. It makes my little heart sing...my little pulse race. And what's more no one has deserted...all of you are reporting in...determined to snatch glory.

And yesterdays Mogul event?

People Mogul was miffy42#1 UK.

That's 3 wins miffy42. Darn good but will you be able to stem the top class opposition? A few of you are catching my eye here. ryaman and Marsalinator....wakazawaka and ryanknight.....
paper aeroplane....OldSpotPig and Quiz Beagle and peachy1 who after only playing a measly 4 games is riding at 14th place.
Different game...different names. Good hey?

Did anyone sign up for the fun? Sure did. A Big Hearty Welcome to oldgirl1249 a Commonwealth friend for the UK. No new americans came to the bear pit.
I'd just like to say...sincerely folks...you are making one incredibly happy penguin. Thanks for playing. I'm gonna scuttle back to my Bomb Pod now...if I get brave I'll go for a swim...flag retrieval.
ps. Sorry the blog was late today. I've been pottering in my herb garden...to jazz up my diet of kippers. Fish...good for the brain.
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