25th September Shout Box

Stars And Stripes

mos623...Yep You Guessed

And about time to if I may say so. I was getting worried.

1. mos623#1 USA First win for days. Was about to use the flag for a tablecloth.
2. MaggieG#4 UK One of the Greats. Did you know 75% of the time gets 10.
3. Mink#5 UK Is the pressure starting to bite. You've led virtually all month.
4. jules44 UK Unranked last month but heading for UK number 2 rank.
5. miffy42#1 UK A word about you later...you clever little thing.

Cor...this is great stuff. Almost a fullhouse for the UK. But was'nt. Warned everyone on the blog yesterday to duel to the death. And boy you've all revved your engines and gone full throttle. Is the tension building? Any mice been crushed yet in a manic vicelike grip of dread?

It could go either way...UK or USA.

Might have guessed mos623 would storm home...that was yesterday..and today he's back, the devil! And there's more. He's launched psychological warfare too in that itty bitty box. Hey! Don't lower yourself to my standards mos
Mind he could have said...but he did'nt...that Mink has won most days this month...so far. A quick regurgitation of the stats....Mink has won 4....but...mos623...jules44 and miffy42 are clamouring behind on 3 each. Heck. Mink keep running...don't look back...I don't mean to panic you...but if you want to win this months Daily Dervish...panic now!

Which reminds me....same award is up for grabs on the Mogul. After 4 days play miffy42 is gunning for that one with 2 wins closely followed by WorldB and tihata with 1 each. Hey...just had a peek out there....Mink is leading the Moguls so far today. Well Done! But er...never mind...I'll keep my beak clamped.

And the Mogul Run?

Yesterday saw miffy42 romp in at a snappy 18 seconds on geography...did'nt need no map to find the finishing post there then. Yep...it's a bit (alot) corny I know but think of this way...you'll never have heard such drivel before and no one will want to plagiarize my chattter. And miffy already has hold of the Speed Mogul record set at 17 seconds. Will such a slothfully slow time last? I shake my head in trepidation. Still sorting out the Mogul details ...but I want a Mogul Maximus for October...so far that looks to be miffy42. I've not been accepting bribes...honest.

Did anyone else join the madhouse? They sure did.
Time to say a Big Warm Hello to RosaRita (that sounds nice..kinda classy)....and fat_woman9 ( harbourer of an inferiority complex?)...and clooney ( It can't be? Can it?)..who all valiantly came to play for the USA. And to counter that threat the UK had. 0.

Right....as a noncombatant I already confided to you I'm scared so I'm off back my new shelter...The Bomb Pod. D'you like it. Neat hey? Very minimalist in design.

5 Days

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