21st September Shout Box

Union Jack & Miffy42 Are Becoming Inseperable

Well Done

It was nearly UK 5/0 folks! They keep trying but can't match the USA last week.

1. miffy42#1 UK. Another win for your goody bag!
2. jules44 UK Hey...you're catching Mink in the leaderboard!
3. Mink#5 UK Oops..did you hear that? Sorry but it's true.
4. ryanknight USA Well hello there....moved you up to 28th too.
5. thereds4ever UK You again? Methinks you're after a ranking next month.

There's so much new talent moving up the ranks it's getting tricky...which is good. I pick a MOP...and then want to change my mind. I really do hope you guys are enjoying yourselves as much as I am. Thank you...thankyou...thankyou...
To me you're all whirling dervishes.

No new players joined up. Don't mind...like I said once before it means I can get to know you better.

I'm not going to chat much today...too much to do. New Tournament to launch...new assault course...and I wanna have fireworks! No..I don't mean I want you to all spontaneously combust (that'd hurt)...I mean spiffy dynamite sticks!

So I'm toddling off on my mission now...pronto..but...what's that noise?... I just heard cheering from over the parapet....

Jumping Jehosophat! 15 Seconds! Cyprus1

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