21st August Shout Box

Gee...I bet Americans are sick of seeing this...

But....Well Done....Fantastic Effort Howie72....A Commonwealth Friend Kept the flag flying.

Yesterday's Post Mortem.
1. Howie72 UK. That's it ...show them all how it's done! No easy feat either holding back
2. mos623 USA. Gee...he's a terrier...dogged...persistent..and one of the USA top Titans.
3. mfc UK Shared the same time as the 2 above. Just happened to play after. Ah..bad luck.
4. Mink UK. Only 1 second behind. This was tight..the early bird gets the worm stuff!
5. WorldB USA . Well...here again. My...you're turning in to a force to be reckoned with.

Any new players?

1. Same as yesterday.
Yep...you've guessed. For the USA. 1 determined desperado swam the Atlantic last night whilst I was kipping.

Welcome to natsmom87. Great to have you ......the more players the better.

Might mention here that the UK is getting a bit overwhelmed and outnumbered again now. Take a look at the tournament stats and MOP players and you'll see a sea of red. Time to get recruiting...grab your friends...grab pub quiz players...heck...enroll the whole neighbourhood if you can. Bring back National Conscription! Am I exaggerating. In a word. No.

But whilst the Titans are bashing hell out of each other up top....other players are starting to sneak through enemy lines on both sides.

These are the Americans who really need reining in....by fair means or foul...
j2cp2 ....elskede....quasar....hilltopper67....tihata...Julie...
UK players if you're near them in the table....and have them in your sights.....Go Get Em!

And Brits showing alarmingly good talent....who might draw an American sniper's eye.

Howie72.....Quiz_Beagle ....paper_aeroplane...Stuhern...thereds4ever...jezebel2...Avin Itoffski and.... midgetmark.

There are just so many good players here and all determined to do their team proud it makes for a darn good nailbiting tourney.
Right...I'm off to watch ...medical bag in hand (flipper actually) to dispense treatment to the war wounded.
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