21st July Shout Box

Union Jack flying for the third consecutive day...thanks to a fantastic score (and unbeatable time) from mhallesy.

The tournament has only been going for a fortnight and I think the interest is pretty good and the calibre of the players ....well...impressive would be an understatement.

So who were the top 5 yesterday gunning for?

1. mhallesy UK Who is certainly stamping their mark!
2. MaggieG UK Yesterday's winner and has only played twice!
3. Marsalinator USA The only American to reach this lofty level yesterday....watch him.
4. JJay UK UK A consistent high scorer....the Brits highest ranked player!
5. magijoh1 UK Another Titan pretty quickly making their mark.

well...in the overall leaderboard for July there were no changes of position. JJay UK reined in hovenaut....only 3 points between them now. Will today see hovenaut toppled from his throne...he's got rather comfy on it and will be hard to shift.
Marsalinator and poolosopher running at 3rd and 4th respectively are only 2 points apart...hmn...potential for infighting there. But as a USA dynamic duo they're stretching out a fair gap to 5th place.
The newcomers can't catch this lot....but tactically they can nick points from the yanks and help JJay. Gee, if this is anything to go by August will be bonecrunching stuff and not for the fainthearted!

And finally...before today's fray begins I'd like to welcome two new USA combatants straight from the Delta Force... with a name like patriot19 we ought to expect trouble....and PaulDrake put in a good show for a first timer. So Welcome to you two guys or gals. More USA combatants are much needed.
That's all I reckon for now......I'll get comfy....and enjoy a ringside seat!
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