20th July Shout Box

This tournament is getting better and better and the scrapping is getting deadly!
The Union Jack is still flying today thanks to newcomer....MaggieG

Is hovenaut's domination going to be broken once and for all?
Yesterday's top 5 players .....
1. MaggieG UK. No doubt about it this lady stands for no messing!
2. hovenaut USA. If he takes up the gauntlet...wow...sparks will fly.
3. magijoh1 UK. Another newcomer ...another Titan too.
4. datrivialist USA. Another giant quick to make his mark.
5. Marsalinator USA. Could be the one to watch! Always dead good!
Two new combatants joined the fray yesterday...MaggieG and 6strings...both for the UK.
Hello to you both. Players of your calibre are always welcome.
A word for JJayUK who is a bit beseiged at the moment and surrounded.....Brave lad or lady....Keep Up the Good Work!
I reckon a lot of jostling and skirmishing is about to erupt whilst all these newcomers thrash it out.....and hovenaut...an ace player might have to crank up his performance a gear. Which I suspect won't bother him too much. Marsalinator....you're sneaking up the table too...I've been watching you with quiet admiration....
Boy am I glad I'm just the bossincharge and racconteur of this scrap.
If everyone comes back to play today I wouldn't like to have to bet on the outcome.
Aw...but if pushed I'm going for.....hovenaut pulling something pretty impressive out the bag!

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