Results from HQ May 2018

Greetings human warriors! Isn't the weather warm all of a sudden.

Time to chill the shandy ready to celebrate our illustrious winner ... for there can only be one winner in this magnificent global war. And one runner-up, the loser.

The Challenge
The fabulous USA sent in 16 heroes and heroines who bagged 7476 points = 50.6% of the spoils of war.
The dangerous and deadly UK & Co fielded 9 players who grabbed 7309 pts = 49.4%
The USA won the May Challenge by 1.2% . Which in plain pengyspeak is  .... close!

The Survivor
The USA fielded 11 troopers, snatched 2314 pts = 54%
The UK & Co sent in 10 warriors, bagged 1969 pts = 46%
The USA won the May Survivor by 8%

Final Result:
USA = 52.3%
UK & Co = 47.7%

Ah ... a sliver of sadness and pity briefly, and painfully, pierced my heart ... for my UK & Co friends for they fought bravely  ... but alas, this is war and so I dip my straw into my shandy to take a victory sip or two in honour of my American buddies who are the winning army in May.
Well done USA! You are , indeed, truly fearsome.
By now the UK & Co must surely be suffering nightmares about you .... of fighting and refusal to accept conquest and surrender ..... to the bitter end and to the end of days ....

........... for now another monthly war begins. Another nailbting death defying adventure!
Shrug into your flag jackets my friends, and with your dented hard hats rammed onto your heads parachute once again into the trenches and remember, there are tasty nibbles and performance enhancing nibbles to be had on the smorgasbord, ... like ... baked beans! Kindly brought to our hungry, weary warriors by Qmel and Quiz Beagle.
Where would we be without them both .. both great competitors.

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