Results from HQ October 2017

Was Octobers war as closely fought as Septembers?
Did the UK & Co storm back to reclaim victory, which is fast becoming a distant memory? Or are our American buddies still dominating the world?

Read on .....

The Challenge
The USA fielded 14 stormtroopers who bagged 7995 points = 51.6% of the spoils of galactic war. (okay, I'm exaggerating, it's only global)
The UK & Co sent in 10 terrific woad wearers, snatched 7514 pts = 48.4%
Another Challenge win for the great USA!

The Survivor
The USA fielded 8 magnificent survivors who bagged 1950 pts = 50.8%
The UK & Co sent in 11 fantastic fighters who won 1887 pts = 49.2%

Once again in October the USA won the monthly war and retained the title of World's Most Heroic and Powerful Army!
USA = 51.2%
UK & Co = 48.8%

It is with a sad, but wicked gleam in my moist eye that I once again fold up the Union Jack and stash it in the back of the wardrobe, in mothballs. Whereas the Stars & Stripes  proudly takes it's honoured place as my bedspread. Yes .. you've guessed, I count the stars when the insomnia strikes.

But be afraid USA ... be very afraid .. for the UK will never be dominated or surrender. Will one day storm back to pummel you into the dirt ...
And UK .. this pacifist pengy is supposed to be impartial, not issuing menacing threats on your behalf  * and with a cheeky little grin* ... but I do love a good scrap!

Calling all combatants ... Gird your loins ...
Your Country Needs You!

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