Apres le (or la?) premier piranha

A little bit of French there, did you notice?

Last One Standing:
Well, the Roast Beef of Olde England is certainly to the Piranha's taste! ;-( Eight UK and Commonwealth players vanished into that greedy little maw, with only a brace of US. So, farewell for this month to trooper2196, polaris, jacky, blackprince (tut, tut - blue-blooded royalty too - that piranha probably is French...a friend of mine went to Paris and they treated him like royalty - they guillotined him...), skipperdeedoo, Lacey (always sad to see a Lacey go...), LauraMcC, martin_cube, Alien8 and milamtexan.

Welcome back to the UK & Co.'s Mascot OneBrainCell!
The Titan leader is of No Importance, followed by timmacg, morelli, Doc, James_Deniston_Russell (is a welcome in order here? I'm sure it's the first time that I've typed your name - and it's not your fault that every time I see it I start reciting 'James, James, Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree ...'), briarwoodrose, klahrace, MarchHare007, jacky and flicker123.

miffy42 tops the lot, with (I think...No Answers wrong!), followed by jules44 and lg549, the first US player arrives in the person of mos23, briarwoodrose, magijoh1 (how e.e. cummings would have loved you all!), Qmel, Deborah, morelli and mike32768.

UK & Commonwealth vs US Challenge:
jules, miffy, WorldB, ryaman, mos, strnog, Deborah, j2cp2, mike and markswood are those we all gaxe at in awe! Hmm, I know that I'm supposed to be colourblind, being a Beagle and all, but that looks suspiciously Red to me - to arms UK and Co!

Awards for October:
Qmel, US chef extraordinaire, has been making sure of a fine supply of dairy products by picking up 4 of their Very Own Cows, and 3 sets of Free Milk Every Morning, plus a Money Tree and a Red Truck (to pick up produce, no doubt). Stuhern has acquired A Personal UFO (surely that should be an IFO, or does Stu go out every morning and think "What's that?") and miffy now has their own Personal Aircraft carrier (I say miffy, old bean, I don't think we're allowed to use gunboat diplomacy against the colonials any more...what's that? You just bought it for the sailors? Jolly good idea!)


Penguin said...

Hee...hee..that is so funny.
This pengy loves it!

Quiz_Beagle said...

Thanks, boss!