Wednesday 15th April

Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by

Top 5 allegiances... 1 mos623#1 USA ... 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. WorldB#2 USA ... 4. scubascott#7 USA ... 5. strnog1 USA

4/1 to the USA....and three in a row for mos623. ..and the first 3 whizzed across the finishing line together! Jules nearly needed resuscitation..overwhelmed by americans. Bit like me yesterday when all the battlefields were wiped clean. But Alien8 kindly provided me with a liquid fix so I could become nicely pickled. Cunning Alien...this makes him my fave player! I'll put in a good word for you at Roswell.
scubascott did well yesterday, like him....then again skipperdeedoo and jacky did many fine troopers.
miffy42 UK and mos623#1 USA are locked in mortal combat...yes, well everyone else is advised to leave them to goliaths to it. My money is on....hmmm...the one whose name begins with an M.
julieanne123 USA and magijoh UK are fighting over the same trench too.
poolosopher USA is chasing Dr Gas UK....there's a snappy witticism in there somewhere but I shall refrain. I can you know. a lot of private duels ....
scubascott USA V skipperdeedoo UK....
You didn't think the UK & Co would lie down quietly like a lamb did you my american friends?
flicker123 UK V LanaDale USA is one to watch...but watch out, there's reinforcements storming up behind....MarchHare007 UK ... datrivialist USA ... steve-e UK and tisonlyme321 UK.
Right..that's 2 Stars and Stripes stretchers needed at the ready then.
Better add a Union Jack stretcher to that..jacky..poor jacky is surrounded.
Please...try not to leave too many littered bodies on the battlefield. There's Health & Safety of the able bodied to consider here.

And here too...more so.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus was miffy42 UK

Top 5 allegiances...1. miffy42 UK ... 2. StuHern UK ... 3. Qmel USA ...4. bernie73 USA ... 5. twosleepy USA

3/2 for the USA...and 5 wins in a row for spiffy! I'll timidly poke my head out my bomb pod here and say...oh dear, yes, dear america, I don't see how you can win the Titans this month with such a fab UK & Co army to beat. Perhaps you'd better start licking your'll hurt less if (when) they deliver the final crushing blow. Is pengy been an alarmist? Maybe...

The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was miffy42 UK

This is I'll share it. Only 1 mogul has played everyday and not got a single answer wrong! Unbelievable isn't it? I thought so...guess who?'s not who you're thinking's Qmel USA..out in a league all her own and closely followed by Quiz_Beagle and jules44 for the UK with only 1 wrong.
Then magijoh1 and markswood both UK with only 2.
Did you notice the abundance of UK talent? Yes I did too. Does this mean the UK are winning? Last raid at HQ had the americans winning by 5o points...after cleverly snatching the lead. But as pengy is boss and so at liberty to divulge any exciting news that is sheer masochism to keep to himself...guess what? They aren't leading anymore! Sorry USA...but I bet that made you sit up straight.
There's only a measly 10 points in it. Never before in the history of mogul warfare has it been so imperative that troopers report for duty!
Just think UK could have been your 10 points that took your army into the lead! Of course, this is now gauranteed to galvanise the americans into action. So gaurd your backs..and indeed your bums as you slither under that guillotine. And pardon my excitement.....I get so carried away.

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was miffy42 UK

Again? That was three wins yesterday. Aren't your little legs worn down to stumps now miffy or sore with friction burns after scurrying hotfoot across three of the battlefields.
piranha came circling yesterday and did not go away empty-jawed. It was KO2 day. I saw stringy bits of two Invincibles amongst the casualties. Piranha always prefer the tastiest morsels if he can get them.
Alas...poor troopers...there was no last minute rescue for
KO2. jacky UK 105
KO2. Lacey UK 105
KO2. MarchHare007 UK 105
KO2. polaris UK 105
KO2. onebraincelluk UK 105
KO2. Paper_aeroplane#4 UK 75
KO2. Marsalinator USA 45
KO2. ryaman#3 USA 35
But Lacey ... MarchHare007 and Marsalinator grabbed more points by surviving longer this time.
I've spotted something..I have eyes like laser beams. You will like this my american buddies...a total of six UK & Co players ..and only 2 of you were eliminated. That's the idea! Push them in the Pit! Deplete the opposition!
Deprive the enemy of point scoring troopers.
11 UK & Co have survived. 13 for the USA.'s time for me to scamper off to the mogul smorgasbord..for..ah, pepperoni pizza and a tax day aspirin? Is that what I think it is?
Whew, for once I'm way ahead of you all. The IRS or the Inland Revenue have never heard of me...I don't exist.
Oh..and the IRS is currently recruiting...Have a peek (10% cut of your wages for pengy's fee. Nothing traceable. Cash no cheques or checks , of any kind).
It's a much nicer site than the HM Customs, Inland Revenue.
After wading my way through the nationality restrictions criteria I gave up...
You have to be....
UK national
Commonwealth citizen,
National of the European Economic Area (EEA)
Swiss or Turkish national (subject to certain restrictions).
Last line confused me a bit ...this means penguins aren't eligible? Not unless I wear lederhosen and a fez? Right?

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