Monday 29th March Shout Box

Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by mos623#1

Top 5 allegiances...1. mos623#1 USA ... 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. Deborah#2 USA ...4. julieanne123#10 USA ... 5. scubascott#9 USA

4/1 for the devilish americans.
Seems an awful shame I wasn't blogging on the two days that jules won. So I'll mention it briefly now..just did.
Yesterday the american cavalry led by mos charged in and almost trampled her....and this takes mos to 10 wins..tying with the UK General. Hey I say mos..that's a bit cheeky and daring...she won't let you get away with that you know!
There is more news...the Uk & Co call to arms is spreading...the jungle drums are pounding...get this you red devils...pollygw is back..whee is back..Oddly is back..teanana is back. Start trembling. Be afraid. Reinforcements are coming!
With not much fighting time left before Armagadden, Pengy feels it's his/her duty to stir it!
Some of you are well placed to bring down your nearest grab a invade their trench and claim it as your own!
shadowzep USA....gird your loins....lg549 UK is after you!
paper_aeroplane UK...don't hit that ejector seat button...but you've trouble coming...julieanne123 and mike32768 USA have you in their sights.
dippo, you can't afford to trip or slow down because you have bernie73 and strnog1 hotfoot behind on your heels.
Take care goldbob USA... tisonlyme321 is after your trench.
pollygw ..there's an undefended trench above you....ryanknight's. Grab it!
And to Oddly....teanana and whee....brilliant! You are truly lucky...get busy hurdling those abandoned trenches and win valuable points for your army.
Hey I say..this is awfully exciting.
Did you know ? Two of you ..1 american and 1 UK & Cohort trooper are absaloutely fab...2 of you have only got 1 measly answer wrong after 29 days head-bending quizzing. You guys are the best.
magijoh1 UK
argentum USA
Pengy is cogitating here....this kind of first class consistency is deserving of some award..or even bonus goodies. I will think of this whilst basking on my ice floe...for the future..I have relatively slow thought processes unless a eureka moment strikes.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was poolosopher

Top 5 allegiances ...1. poolosopher USA ... 2. Qmel USA ... 3. lg549 UK
4. dippo UK ... 5. bernie73 USA

poolosopher won most wins last month..after a tie-break with Anton. This month he looks set to win the crown....I'm plugging in your throne ready..unless the UK kidnap him. Bit drastic..but all's fair in love and war. Nothing in the rules against it...
The most wins is still wide many fantastic troopers have scurried up the flagpole and hoisted the flag for their country. There's been no less than 12 different daily winners ..shows what a closely fought battlefield this one can be.
The Titans wear body armour you know...are still fighting hard and ....oh, this is a nasty spot.....
skipperdeedoo UK ... Alien8 USA and jacky UK are all fighting over the the same trench. I like this skipperdeedoo....infact I like anyone who's brave enough to shrug into the chain mail after seeing how tough it is here. Wear your bruises with pride...
Oops,..almost forgot. MarchHare007 keep bounding along with those super furry paws....ryanknight has deserted his trench and it could be yours!
Pengy applauds briarwoodrose as the cleverest , most consistently right Titan....with only 2 answers wrong in 29 days. No one else can match this...poolosopher comes next with 4 .

The Mogul
Yesterdays top movie mogul was Quiz Beagle#8 UK

The puzzle pooch! Paws again! Power to the pawed players! Power to anyone who managed to grab bonus goodies yesterday...only 14 of you slithered under the guillotine. Well it was movies, so what can I expect. Oddly streaked down the course and nabbed goodies on his first run. Good? Oh yes, I think so.
I think this is good too...pengy is waving his flippers in adulation,
yes! Adulation!
We have two star mogul players. After 29 days of running the gauntlet no one..just no one has got every single answer right. That would be sheer genius...but 2 americans have dazzled me with their superior intellect and acumen. I'm not grovelling..I'm just a simple little pengy you know and I'm impressed.
mike32768 USA has only answered 3 wrong..3 out of 290 questions. Wow!
WorldB USA has only answered 2 wrong out of 280 questions. Wow again.
Incase you didn't catch it I typed that with an american accent..
This has to make them my fave little humans for the day.

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed winner was Deborah#2 USA

Ah...what a crime that piranha culled her in KO5.
Only 4 of you remain to brave the fishy mandibles. 2 american-style piranha steaks and 2 Uk & Co style steaks.
WorldB USA ...our reigning Sole Survivor and four times winner
jules44 UK ... oh....survived longer. Shall I drape the Union Jack over the throne ready? Shall I.....or would that be tempting Fate?
scubascott USA ...anyone wearing scuba gear has to stand a good chance against piranha. Not related are you?
markswood UK .... Pengy announces a fave survivor player! This is fab...after been culled at KO2 last month markswood has to be the UK hero here! And mine too, it goes without saying,
And Pengy wants you all to win...
But then piranha would go hungry and we can't have that so I'll grab my harpoon and go help fuel the piranha picnic.

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