Wednesday 14th January Shout Box

Union Jack
hoisted by jules44#1

Top 5 allegiances... 1. jules44#1 UK... 2. mos623#1 USA ... 3. miffy42#2 UK... 4. poolosopher USA ... 5. mike32768#4 USA

3/2 for the red devils.....sorry america...Three cheers for jules ! One cheer for winning....two cheers for winning 3 days in a row...and three cheers for snatching the lead! That is impressive good stuff...don't wear yourself out jules!
Well we're halfway (nearly) through the month and I'm curious to see who might be on target to become a...dare I say it? Invincible! Anything can happen but so far these are the most dangerous players on the battlefield.
Uk & Friends ..human dynamite sticks and potential candidates for canonization...pengy gets to load the cannon
1. jules44#1
2. miffy42#2
3. demurechicky #5
4. magijoh1#8
5. Stuhern#4
6. whee#3
7. Little_Heaven#6
8. pollygw ......could be a new god living on Olympus?
9. markswood#10
10. OldSpotPig ....could return to fame and glory!

USA.....human dynamite sticks and potential candidates for canonization...pengy gets to light the fuse and rocket them off up the heights
1. mos623#1
2. WorldB#2
3. Deborah#3
4. julieanne123#8
5. strnog1#7
6. mike32768#4
7. shadowzep#5
8. j2cp2#6
9. bernie73....a brand new magnificent fearsome Invincible?
10. scubascott...could return triumphant!

The Titans
Yesterdays terrificus Titan was flicker123 UK

Top 5 allegiances ...1. flicker123 UK... 2. OldSpotPig UK ...3. poolosopher USA... 4. scubascott USA ...5. martin_cube UK

3/2 for the blue devils...and well done flicker123 for your second win of the month for the other side.. You're getting rather good at this aren't you.
I'm wafting a smoke signal to paper aeroplane...discreetly. Whilst you're getting ready to divebomb scubascott...don't be alarmed but...poolosopher is sneaking up behind. Pool was in both battles top 5 too did you notice? This has to make him my fave player yesterday
Pengy loves a fighter and so also has to fly a flag here for a new hero/heroine. poolosopher had the only american win...yester eve cubswin2323 scurried up the flagpole.....hmmm....better watch this little trooper. Hasn't been here long and is already tramping the oppositon into the mud.

The Moguls
Yesterdays most miraculous mogul was jules44#1 UK

I think I'll divulge here that though the UK are still winning...the USA are closing the gap...this is not intentional stirring. Pengy is not that brave. A few new recuits have wriggled under the wire...not yellowbacked like me...but tattoed with the stars and stripes. The 60 second guillotine dropped and shaved
teach2s who riskily scuttled under it in 59 seconds. Hear that UK? Obama's Army are sending in super new bonus baggers!
Pengy wants to brag here on behalf of all the moguls who grabbed more bonus points last month for their team than they did in November....You guys are good...are forces to be reckoned with...and getting better.
The Supremely Best were....
1. shadowzep#5 USA won extra 70 bonus points.
1. steve-e UK won extra 70 extra bonus goodies

The Devilishly Good (or top 11)...
paper_aeroplane UK won extra 60
goldbob USA won extra 60
Alien8 USA won extra 50
bernie73 USA won extra 50
miffy42#2 UK won extra 40
Ryaman#9 USA won extra 40
StuHern#4 UK won extra 40
poolosopher USA won extra 40
MarchHare007 UK won extra 40

The Wickedly Maverick Mogullers were...
argentum USA won extra 20
blackprinceuk UK won extra 30
Demurechicky#5 UK won extra 10
dippo UK won extra 30
Eloise UK won same
jules44#1 UK won extra 20
julieanne123#8 USA won extra 10
lg549#9 UK won extra 20
Little_Heaven#6 UK won same
loginnamealias UK won extra 20
magijoh1#8 UK won extra 20
Markswood#10 UK won same
martin_cube UK won same
mike32768#4 USA won extra 20
milamtexan USA won extra 30
mos623#1 USA won extra 30
no1nibbs UK won same
onebraincellUK UK won extra 10
polaris UK won same
Qmel#10 USA won extra 20
strnog1#7 USA won extra 20
trooper2196 UK won extra 20
twosleepy USA won extra 30
Whee#3 UK won extra 10
WorldB#2 USA won extra 10
Ah, a sad sigh for those whose name is not here. Pengy shares your pain. Bad luck. More training is needed...a faster mouse, feed them more chocolate to increase hypercativity or perhaps you're a new recruit and didn't play Novembers?

The Survivor....where only the toughest dare compete
Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was miffy42#2 UK

Yes!...I've seen snapping jaws circling the Danger Zone. It's time for another cull. It's KO2 when the next victims get eliminated. Anyone trying to scrabble out of the warned...pengy will stamp on your fingers with his/her androgynous flippers!
No Invincibles are in there...pity...but then again julieanne123 USA and loginnamealias UK are slithering dangerously close to the edge and one of them has #8 tattoed on their back. And what unlucky timing for martin cube who only fell in last'll smoke an extra nice kipper for you.

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