Wednesday 26th November

Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2

Top 5 allegiances... 1. miffy42#2 UK ... 2. j2cp2#8 USA ... 3. mos623#2 USA ...4. WorldB#1 USA ... 5. ryaman USA

4/1 for the USA and miffy42 was in danger of getting trampled but scampered up that flagpole in the nick of time.

This is me, armed and extremely dangerous, trolling along the battlefields...restoring order and giving covering fire as and when the mood takes me. Well someone has to volunteer to keep these Invincibles in check.
Speaking of which...with only a few days to go who looks set to become famous and fearsome....
The UK & Co fab top 10...or maybe not...time will tell
magijoh1 293 pts...... Can you can hang in there and swipe Godhead status?

Here are the contenders hot on your heels
Stuhern#4 291
wakazawaka 278
martin_cube 277
lg549 272
markswood 270
The USA be or maybe not to be? That is the question!

Discreet Pengy observation....All the UK titans start cheering wildly now!
Now Stop! It's not the end of the month yet and anything can happen...

The Titan
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan is scubascott USA

Scroll up...see his name up there?...don't blab the news, scroll down quickly. This is no time for gratuitous celebration...
Top 5 allegiances ...1. scubascott USA ... 2. lg549 UK ... 3. markswood UK ...4. ryaman USA ... 5. purelyqing UK
3/2 for the UK & Co. Hmmm..looks like Obama's army was caught napping yesterday...asleep in the baraks. Ugh, I know. Sorry.
My beady eyes are gleaming here...current Titanasaurus Rex is in 5th...but look at the hyperactive, unstoppable, immensely gifted trio trampling off in the lead.
1. julieanne123 USA 404
2. scubascott USA 394
3. markswood UK 392
I'm here...hovering, with the crown gripped nervously in my twitching flippers..waiting. The losers get a hug by the way..a bit more incentive does no harm!

The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was miffy42#2 UK

What can I spiffy miffy led the UK troops home again. I'm sorry my american friends I can feel a sad, nostalgic moment coming over me. The Vanquished. The Conquered. The Subjugated.....Need I go on? Am I attaining new heights of diplomatic ingeniousity?

The Survivor
Yesterdays aluminium foil wrapped winner was Quiz Beagle#10 UK

And yes! The Pengy Kiss of Death is as potent as ever! Your machiavellian pengys prophesy came before WorldB's catastrophic, sad announcment he has no PC access for a few days. This is sheer coincidence..not wilful sabotage on my part.
It does however, raise interesting possibilities. I'm sticking my beak out here now...UK Win! UK Win! Watch out america...only 1 out of the top 6 survivors are american...and oh's WorldB. Cor, I'm excitedly swinging my little legs and getting palpitaions already over this impending gritty finish. Quiz Beagle's currenty leading the pack...
But as impartial referee I've been out and slickly greased the edges of the Danger Zone to hinder escape.
Already basted you could say for piranha's little jaws are...markswood UK ... castortroy USA and OldSpotPig UK. Will they be able to wriggle free?
I'm jogging off there now....don't be alarmed...extermintion is quick and presumbaly painless , piranha is rather humane.

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