Thursday 16th shout Box

Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2

Top 5 allegiances...1. miffy42#2 UK...2. jules44#1 UK...3. WorldB#3 USA... 4. mos623#6 USA...5. Eebs#4 USA

3/2 for the red team! My nose is red too...and a tad sore. Like your little feet from all that sprinting across the battlefields. First thing...any private duels flared up whilst the referee's been snuggled in bed with a box of soft, extra strong and extra long tissues?
Found one right away! Oh guys, I knew you wouldn't disappoint me...
whee UK.... Qmel USA and magijoh1 UK are fighting over the 20th trench.
whee again! whee is everywhere just now...and I did peep in now and then and excitedly catapult soggy tissues round the pengy sickbay whilst I cheered. Oops, did I just hit one of you guys...
Warning! big bunfight in the trenches held by lg549 UK and twosleepy USA....and within aiming distance...ryaman USA and flopsy UK. this one could get messy..

The Titans
Yesterdays top Titan was paper aeroplane UK

Top 5 allegiances ...1. Paper_aeroplane UK.... 2. scubascott USA...3. j2cp2 USA ...4. ryaman USA...5. poolosopher USA

4/1 for the USA..cor that was almost annihilation. Good work paper aeroplane for flying out of trouble...I heard your engine stuttering as you scooted out of danger. Two Titans are looking pretty impressive...have only played 9 games and are in the top 10..that's pretty amazing..Yep, that makes j2cp2 and whee my fave fab players just now. trooper has to be twosleepy for coming out tops so far after playing for 15 days and only getting 3 answers wrong. I say, you're all pretty good at this tricky question and answer thing aren't you?

The Mogul
Yesterdays top Mogul was M..m...MIFFY!

Miffy was in dynamic mode... hey this is spooky ..I just twizzled my telescope across to the the mogul and huh....all the FT battlefields have vanished! Where they gone! Who nicked them? I'm twiddling my flippers here...waiting...whilst I peer at my monitor that says Cannot find Server...I'll leak some HQ stats whilst we patiently wait for battle to resume...secrecy is my middle name you know. Last time I filched the battle stats..the USA were struggling to catch the deadly UK & Co team. Brace yourself USA....I'm being compassionate're sinking faster than the Titanic.
UK have 2460 points..... USA have 2210.
Drat! Major gremlins here today! Swat the monitor with a kipper...HQ's under attack too!
Right..nothing fazes pengy!

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed survivor was miffy42#2 UK

Yep, I got that much but nothing else. Wonder what tasty treat cat brat's conjured up today?
That's it! I surrender...pengy's slithering back down under the stars and stripes bedcover for a nap.
See you all tomorrow my friends!

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