19th September Shout Box

Aye, shiver me timbers...it be Pirates Day

Tis a wondrous daft thing...
a truly vicious punishment where a scurvy dog be tied to a rope and dragged along the barnacle-encrusted bottom of a ship. They not be survivin' this.
Bit painful hey!

Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#2

Top 5 allegiances....1. jules44#2 UK ...2. miffy42#1 UK.....3. BB1#1 USA....4. Little_Heaven #3 UK....5. Surrealist#2 USA

3/2 for the hit squad in blue!

Well done to jules44! Naughty me has been AWOL again... but, by sheer coincidence, the UK & Co have won the last 3 days too! Is this luck or genuis? Or jinxy pengy's absence? So much for the pengy Kiss of Death...or should that be the Black Spot on pirates day?
Speaking fearfully of which...how go our Invincibles? If the hectic hurdling across the cratered battlefield continues as is...who would get us all to bend the knee and quiver with dread!
USA top ...could be..but anything can happen
#1 mos623 ...new tyrant to fear
#3 Eebs
#4 WorldB
#5 mike32768
#6 Qmel ...new tyrant to fear
#7 Surrealist
#8 PDAZ ..new tyranty to fear
Deborah ..new tyrant to fear
UK & Co...could be...but Fate can be fickle and usually is!
#1 jules44
#2 miffy42
#3 Squisher ..new tryant to fear
#4 Little_Heaven
#5 demurechicky ..new fearsome tyrant..fancied a change
#6 Stuhern
#7 magijoh1 ...new fearsome tyrant
#8 Quiz_Beagle ...new fearsome tyrant
#9 OldSpotPig
#10 martin_cube...new fearsome tyrant to fear

A few names leap out there! EVERYONE DUCK! PDAZ USA....demurechicky UK and martin cube UK could be admitted to the elite ranks of godly beings!

The Titans
Yesterdays absaloutley terrific Titan was....wait for it...I'm beating my little armourplated chest here...was demurechicky UK!

Top 5 allegiances...1. demurechicky UK....2. mos623 USA...3. poolosopher USA...4. flicker123 UK... 5. martin_cube UK

3/2 for the UK & Co...Great! get them yanks down and keep em' pinned down on the ground! this blue team is getting decidedly better and better this month!

Whey hey..that broke the UK & Co's Duck! This is not a cheap shot at a play on words just because it was a chicky broke the duck, pengy is not that clever.(translation: for american edification , you had the goose egg....not the golden goose..naw...) and wasn't that utter drivel uplifting and enlightening?

I think I've said this before with total and utter confidence...no self respecting plagiarizer will demean themselves by ever plagiarizing this blog! Well done to demurechicky there...for salvaging UK honour and pride..the regal Lizzie Windsor will be proud of you!

A massive thanks to mos623 and Marsalinator..what fab sports! This tug-of-war over the leadership is riveting good. Two of the toughest players thrashing it out ..it's wearing out my pacemaker..don't care, I'll be onhand to supply the mansize tissues to the loser...

The Moguls
Yesterdays top marvellous music mogul was jules44#2 UK!

This is tremendous good! UK have hammered the americans on every quiz so far and I'm always on the underdogs side. Only 16 marvellous moguls managed to snatch goodies yesterday....aw heck, this dratted type is whizzing all over the place today...hope it's readable! I'll mention swotty...liked swotty and I'm dying to cheer for new player Brian...looks a snappy new talent for the UK & Co. Bagged bonus goodies on the first days play!

The Survivor

Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was Surrealist#2 USA

There you go america...one win for you too! 29 survivors are grappling daily to stop slithering into the Pit....18 of them are USA..and only 11 are UK & Co. Poolosopher and Surrealist managed to escape..aw well, another time perhaps guys, hey?

Pengy's in bragging, boastful mode..I inflate my chest with whoopee pride...for I have in my sticky clutches 4 Invincibles! Yes no kidding! 4 Great Ones brought to their knees and in the Danger Zone!

Time I think to pop my head up above the parapet ..pan the telescope around...haven't done this for a while and it's kinda nice to watch you all whizzing across the quizzes...just no one fire at the non-combatant in the snazzy tuxedo! Ah, goldbob is back from leave and doing very nicely ..and flopsy, well done there for grappling with miffy42! Poor miffy's just been boppd by mos623. Fear him everyone..he's the only american to have ever been Challnge Champ. Nipping over to the Titans...the indestructible mos has been pummlled flat by demurechicky..Will it be a win for chicky? Will it? the UK are putting up a stiff fight today....will have to wait until the americans roll out of bed to see if UK domination lasts there. On the Mogul it's M day...miffy42...magijoh1 and mos623 for those that don't know M's have a demonically eerie knack of winning here. I'm grabbing some of cat brat63's leftovers to drop down in to the Survivor Danger Zone ..chicken and dumplings. ..the salmonella is gratis. Oh is it tough there. Will anyone get 10 right today? Didn't yesterday. I confess, I have a sneaking admiration for any of you brave enough to enter that soul-destroying den of doom.

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