29th August Shout Box

Union Jack
Hoisted by Little Heaven#10

1. Little Heaven#10 UK ....2nd win in 5 days! Well done!
2. Eebs#4 USA ...intends to buy a laptop this weekend.
3. jules44#1 UK...is going to be crowning the new champ soon. Aw
4. mike32768#8 USA...Heck...that was close. A time tie!
5. WorldB#2 USA...Again! You climb the heights alot these days

3/2 for the USA.....but a fab UK & Co win for Little Heaven! good ,,,great..now all that's needed is some undercover operatives to go stalk Eebs and sabotage her mission. Just think! This could mean she might play every single day!
And Marsalinator....Branded? Chuck Connors? Yeh, Watched that series..good series, liked it. But Invinciblenesship (new damngodawful word from pengy) is Mandatory. It's a ploy to twist the psyche! It's psychological warfare! No one has ever accused pengy of being nice and it's too late to damage my reputation now.
Am having a little hum here..so what do you do when you're branded and you know you're a man... Hey...perhaps I should call all demoted Invincibles....
Branded Invincibles from now on!
Thanks Mars. ..you're a genius.
I'll order some branding irons pronto....with an nice M. Just googled a supplier..and my eyes smarted when I saw the dehorners but I persevered as only a true professional can...afterall the site claimed satisfied users..who did they ask? Mr Ed? Well what d' you know, there was me thinking implements of torture (been watching too much High Chaparral) and they're user-friendly electric now. Subject closed...you can all stop wincing.

The Titans
Yesterdays top titan was poolosopher USA

Top 5 allegiances...poolosopher USA...purelyqing UK...demurechicky UK ...Marsalinator...USA (Seen ya! You can run but you can't hide)...julieanne123 USA

Now Stu's got a nice comfortable lead but is it comfortable enough? I think so...so I'll start polishing his crown..if Qmel will hand it over without a fight. More troops have enlisted this month..which is kinda nice...but means anything could happen next month and this is the tough Titans we're talking about so invariably will. Loads of you are playing well...but my beady little eye gleamed yesterday when poolosopher bombed down the assault course. A part of me would like him to win... and all the other parts want others to win. I'm torn, I really am.

The Mogul
Yesterdays majestic music mogul was Little Heaven#10 UK

And she won the Challenge aswell! This is seriously good stuff. This makes Little Heaven my fab fave player for yesterday...no contest.
But other than for that remark...which therefore becomes more weighty
with importance because it's the only one....I scurry quickly onto the

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed, armour plated, knuckle dusting winner was miffy42#2 UK

I shall take a deep calming breath...you can take one too if you like...infact you're advised to.
The culling has begun...after a minor glitch...the Danger Zone did seem kinda of empty when it shouldn't be. TAR fan noticed it and set of the warning flares. So mantraps were set and pits were dug....
And now it is crammed to the hilt with a heap of victims.
A landslide victory for piranha and meek accomplice, moi.
But you might be a little confused....confusion is good....trust me, it is. It suggests a questing mind...not no mind.
Where once there were 19...19 has become 8.
victims in the net...8 who rightly were culled yesterday..without warning!
(Oops sorry). and 3 from the day before.
Don't be sad ....you got to the Final Frontier and that's flipping good work.
Final Frontier Latest Victims (showing valuable points earned for their team)
KO5. Qmel USA 350
KO5. TAR_fan USA 320
KO5. Quiz_Beagle#6 UK 275
KO5. flicker123 UK 320
KO5. Paper_aeroplane#3 UK 320
KO5. scubascott USA 350
KO5. ryaman#10 USA 350
KO5. martin_cube UK 315
KO4. Surrealist#1 USA 330
KO4. cat_brat63 USA 330
KO4. greyhunter UK 330

This vicious culling means we have only 8 left to shout and cheer for....

1. WorldB#2
2. miffy42#2
3. j2cp2#7
4. mike32768#8
In The Danger Zone ..and, well..in Danger
5. BB1#3
6. Marsalinator
7. Little_Heaven#10
8. Stuhern

Everyone get throwing down them ropes...the red, white and blue ones! Haul out your comrades....and I'll look the other way so I don't see what you do to the enemy!

4 of you will not survive to see another day!

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