26th August Shout Box

Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by BB1#3

1. BB1#3 USA Might become #1 soon. Ssh....don't tell you know who.
2. miffy42#2 UK Aw trapped..the filling in the sarnie again
3. WorldB#2 USA It was a full on assault....
4. strnog1#6 USA Yeah..a proper ambush
5. Eebs#4 USA from all the top USA generals

4/1 for the USA. Cor...UK & Co this is not good. Had a few fave players yesterday...me gusta mucho Anne Bonney and Marsalinator who came racing in right behind in a two leggity race. ...and flopsy was kinda good too. I like flopsy..kinda conjures up strange images of bouncing bunny hops under enemy fire.
Just have to mention Little Heaven for her win on yesterdays eve too and for showing everyone how it's done. The good girls should always win.
New trooper demurechicky is putting in some cracking results.....new recruits sometimes flee the field after one days skirmishing with you fearsome lot.
Since TT (tournament time) began a total of 425 combatants have run the gauntlet and most have been stretched away..sorry that should be stretchered...never to be the same again....don't mean to make it sound they were carted off in broken bits and pieces.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus titan was julieanne123

Top allegiances of the top five most terrifying... julieanne123 USA..
sparklingwine UK...demurechicky UK...Stuhern UK and Qmel USA.

3/2 for the UK & Co ...that's more like it! Go sock it to them yanks, string them up with bubble gum and hang em out to dry...and hang em high. Yes, I'm stirring it and make no apologies for sounding a psychotic penguin...it's the human company I keep.
But credit where credit is due...julieanne123 played for the first time...and won...and cat brat63 romped in first yesterdays eve...and poolosopher stormed home on the eve of the eve and the americans have won 15 days out of 25 this month. demurechicky was my fave player..had to be for zipping into the top 5. What a cracking start! Wonder if we've got a famous fab fighter in the making here? Last month Surrealist took the place by storm...I'm cheering now for demurechicky who gets to share pengy's, moi, undying dreadful respect as all-round fabioso at the mo'..I said share!

The Mogul
Yesterdays top geography mogul was BB1#3 USA

This is my other all-round fave...won 2 tournaments yesterday and is the reigning Sole Survivor...never mess with BB1. She's made of stern stuff.
So how is the bonus point bash going? Hang your heads UK & Co...
USA are in the lead (again) with 3800 bonus goodies in the bag......
UK & Co have 3340. If you're gonna catch up start catching up now!

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed winner was WorldB#2 USA

Fave player yesterday was MOI! None of you managed to scramble out the Danger Zone to safety....heh..heh...and the time bomb is ticking away. Soon piranha will start culling so fast you won't know which way to run...well it upwards and onwards actually...and I don't intentionally mean to instil panic. Anyone of you in the bottom half of the table should start girding your loins....best players so far are WorldB for the USA and miffy42 for the UK & Co but all that can change.

Oh yes...and hasn't the FT site been a naughty pain this last day or so? Wonder if it's anything to do with the new look? onebraincelluk...a gentle, timorous little soul who can only think in the singular got lost trying to find the Global Challenge.

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