Hoisted by jules44#2
1. jules44#2 UK....The UK are back in charge
2. miffy42#3 UK...and charge is the right word!
3. paper aeroplane#8 UK...valiant, brave and tough
4. ryanknight#3 USA...and sprinting close behind...
5. strnog1#4 USA... ah, rescued the stars & stripes
Did I or did I not warn of repercussions? 3/2 for the UK...not quite the same as a full five...not quite on a par with the americans yesterday but they yanked that flag down and tossed it aside into the mud. Had a few faves aswell....kjc who got a PB...but there were more played dead good...Lanadale and chipownz...tisonlyme321 and Georgia.
Whey hey, yes you, I'm waving at you don't be bashful. Good work.
midgetmark and mos623 have both vanished...two top players, one from each side. Hmn...how will this affect the stats? And we have a rogue of allegiance unknown just strayed onto the warzone. Could badlydrawnbhoy let me know or else I'll sell his/her points to the highest bidder...just kidding. Truth is they'll get popped on ice in my kipper bucket.
The Titans

Yesterdays top 5 line-up...Little Heaven UK...j2cp2 USA...Marsalinator USA...polaris UK... flicker123 UK.
And Marsalinator my heat detectors spotted you coming in under cover of dark to try to steal the lead. Gee...a commando. Good try but Little Heaven means serious business and doesn't bother with banana skins on the course...super glue does the trick.
My fave Titan was polaris...sneaked in 4th..bagged a PB .
Gave out a warning for TAR fan yesterday...aw...Little Heaven biffed him and shot past but there's a still a mammoth grapple going on with lg549. But after TAR fan's performance on another battlefront, well, you have to say...ah...a big ah.
The Moguls
Yesterdays fab history Mogul was WorldB#2 USA
Hmn...history. Strange...this is usually the UK & C0's forte. And today is Movies....say no more, we all know what that means. Why is this drivel relevant? This is a circumspect warning.
Too circumspect? OK I'll be blunt.Everyone panic! Unless you're an american. The news leaking out of HQ is dire stuff...After shaving away the lead from 130 points down to 60 points...it's now a nailbiting 20! Cor..soon the USA will have the UK down on their knees...begging for leniency!
My beak quivered then....truly it did.
To the soon-to-be underdogs (maybe or maybe not to be)....I say again sadly...
the subject today is flippin Movies...Arrrrrrrgggggh!
The Last Human Standing
Our super duper survivor yesterday was TAR fan USA
And we all got showered with a mud bath as TAR fan and BB1 escaped the Danger Zone. Drat! But two american escapees meant 2 new prisoners....it's Penguin Law....and Piranha's too. Two new americans now have to face disaster...poor ryaman and Deborah. Well done UK players for avoiding getting caught....don't get too chuffed...you're already outnumbered.
And yes as a caring gaoler , I do feed my friends in the pit. A bit of cat brat's treats...a bit of smoked kipper.
Don't know who feeds piranha though...
PS. I'm off to rifle HQ...soon we get the updated stats on who's winning so far...can't wait. Will scamper back with them and post tomorrow
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