Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by ryanknight#3
1. ryanknight#3 USA....Ouch! whipped miffy..
2. mos623 USA....Ouch again...dared to whip miffy too
3. miffy42#3 UK...did it hurt much? Go get the cheeky things
4. ryaman#9 USA...oh almost whipped miffy..but no.
5. paper aeroplane#8 UK ..UK reinforcments...well one.
3/2 for the USA...and ripped down that Union Jack and trod it into the mud.
Hmn...we'll wait and see what the UK team think of that! They won't stand for it you know...antagonise them at your own peril.
My fave players were...more than 1 again but I make the rules... so here goes..a big pengy wave to thereds4ever...Wetherby Pond and salami swami. I thought you all played fab yesterday and Wetherby Pond sneaked into the Top 25 Toughies...now he/she has to grimly fight to stay there. Hah..it's not called the Toughies for nothing.
So many of you are playing like inspired/demented wizards I had to peek at who's Top Mop material so far...who's clambered up the ranks and yay...should feel smug!
No surprises here...my top mop is Surrealist…
This feisty newcomer is aiming to nab all the crowns not tightly glued to their current owners heads. Wouldn't surprise me if decapitation has'nt been ruled out. Not doubt about it..he's dangerous.
The Top 10 Mops....so far...that is to say...targets to be ambushed by all you wannabes.
well done to you guys/gals for playing excptionally well...
Surrealist USA ...up 66 ranks
drainman UK…up 44
loginnamealias UK…up 40
Limericist UK…up 32
cyberhen UK…up 19
shoemike USA …up 17
MarchHare007 UK…up 17
Lacey UK…up 15
finstockian UK…up 14
j2cp2 USA…up 13
loginnamealias UK…up 40
Limericist UK…up 32
cyberhen UK…up 19
shoemike USA …up 17
MarchHare007 UK…up 17
Lacey UK…up 15
finstockian UK…up 14
j2cp2 USA…up 13
And to all of you other troops who've fought through the pain barrier...
Alien8…up 5
Anton…up 6
blackprinceUK…holding position
Dr_Gas…up 3
Eebs…up 4
fat_woman9…holding position
flicker123…up 6
glitterfairy…up 9
goldbob…holding position
jacky…up 2
jibber…up 9
jules44… up 1
julieanne123…up 6
Kick…up 3
kjc..up 8
lg549…up 6
Little_Heaven…up 5
mfc…up 8
miffy42 …holding position
mike32768…up 2
Mikeangel…up 9
Mutski…up 5
notae…up 10
OldSpotPig…up 4
paper_aeroplane…up 6
purelyqing…up 8
Qmel…up 5
RosaRita…up 5
salami_swami…up 12
sparklingwine…up 2
thereds4ever…up 4
tisonlyme321…up 8
trooper2196…up 7
twosleepy…up 11
Wetherby_Pond…up 8
WorldB …up 1
Alien8…up 5
Anton…up 6
blackprinceUK…holding position
Dr_Gas…up 3
Eebs…up 4
fat_woman9…holding position
flicker123…up 6
glitterfairy…up 9
goldbob…holding position
jacky…up 2
jibber…up 9
jules44… up 1
julieanne123…up 6
Kick…up 3
kjc..up 8
lg549…up 6
Little_Heaven…up 5
mfc…up 8
miffy42 …holding position
mike32768…up 2
Mikeangel…up 9
Mutski…up 5
notae…up 10
OldSpotPig…up 4
paper_aeroplane…up 6
purelyqing…up 8
Qmel…up 5
RosaRita…up 5
salami_swami…up 12
sparklingwine…up 2
thereds4ever…up 4
tisonlyme321…up 8
trooper2196…up 7
twosleepy…up 11
Wetherby_Pond…up 8
WorldB …up 1
If your name isn't there...heck don't worry...final MOPS aren't awarded till months end. Think tough..think kamikazee...gird your loins...fill your water pistol and get to it ( or I've a good supply of snowball ammo stashed in my freezer for catapult users).
And Surrealist might be provisional TOP MOP...but wow my american friends...did you notice all that blue...all that upcoming UK talent.
And yes, I was born with a big wooden stirring spoon in my flipper.
The Titans
Yesterdays dead terrific Titan was Little Heaven

The top 5 to romp in were...Little Heaven UK...Surrealist USA...
j2cp2 USA...salami swami USA and sparklingwine UK.
could be wrong but it seems to my simple little pengy mind that USA domination is done..dead...nullified. The UK warriors are coming back. Bite them...and they bite back with steel teeth. A war of attrition...good. My fave Titan was cyberhen....goodwork there...did you spot me running alongside..cheering you on. My legs are a tad tiddly like yours.
A few fistifights are kicking off...
Careful Little Heaven...there's a lasso closing on you...thrown by scubascott...
TAR_fan and poolosopher. Quick duck!
onebraincelluk is after twosleepy...never underestimate these two with their modest names. It's a cunning screen....both equally matched I reckon.
Can solan goose hunt down Marsalinator?
Can jacky fend off alien8?
A pause for thought...I'm thinking a psychiatrist would have a fine time musing over some of your beastie and ET type namers. Ah well..it's what makes you all unique, individual, eccentric and lovable little humans.
The Moguls
Yesterdays sly animal mogul was miffy42#3 UK
Flash Warning: The Tide Has Turned! Red Tidal Wave Coming! Launch the Lifeboats!
Seriously, I was getting worried our american dust devils were in trouble.Didn't like to say anything...diplomacy is my middle name if I want to win the Nobel Peace prize.(kindly send your nominations to me and I'll pass them on).
Get this...I have the stats in my flipper...after falling behind all month...beaten down to their knees...heads hanging in despair.....they are reborn! Yeh..like the phoenix. They're back. UK they've reined you in...and there's worse to come...they've closed the gap down from 280 points to 180!
Bet that made you sit up straight.
The Last Human Standing

Hah..hah..cheeky rogue...bernie73, for that you are my fave player. Running amok amongst the Survivors...if this is you in training for next month I can't wait. No more points for now , aw shame.
We have 23 survivors...the toughest of the tough...8 UK and 15 USA of the most deadly, frightening and indestructible players known to the world.
Bit of an imbalance there...but...4 out of the 5 victims to first slither helplessly into the Danger Zone are americans.
jacky.... TAR_fan...shadowzep...Eebs...BB1.
Yowee this is exciting...what a darn shame I've got to wait till next week to take my next prisoners. Eebs and BB1...who would have thought it...my they'd be big prizes.
Oh and hello there to petunia...lovely to see you back .
I'm toddling of now to referee, as I do....and monitor the mogul treats. There's a rumour...totally false..that catbrat is kidnapping players for her food pantry. Naw...and referres are exempt...whew..and I'd be awful tough and gristly.
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