Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK Whey hey...3 Wins In A Row
2. jules44#1 UK Go on...tip him off his pedestal..if you can
3. paper aeroplane UK ...argh..matched your PB...
4. WorldB#1 USA Getting consistently good..even super-good
5. salami swami USA..Everyone raise a glass...well done!
3/2 for the UK & Co...and 3 In A Row for our dear little midget...again. But can he make it 4 today or will jules44 decide to step in. Is anyone up to the mammoth task of training our midget?
My fave Challenge player without a doubt just had to be salami swami...what a cracking little player leaping and bounding across the battlefield. Me, I think he's one to watch...along with paper aeroplane and Little Heaven.
And how went the Mogul Madness?
Yesterdays magic Movie Mogul was Little Heaven#4 UK
What! Movies and a UK winner! What happened to the americans? Does this rate as a national disaster? It was a UK hero won last weeks Movie mindbender too....aw come on guys now you're starting to confuse me. Is this some new tactical ploy?
My fave Mogul was ...couldn't decide again so it was toss the dogtags in the sardine can time ...and..well one of the chosen had to be Little Heaven for a wonderful win (not to mention double bonus goodies). Ain't she turning into something fearsome and super? And ryanknight had me cooing and ooing at the finnishing post. Must have a new training regime...that's the sign of a true professional you know...and rapid rodent running. I wonder if anyone's asked midget what breed of mouse he has? Or...he isn't the mouse is he?
Impatience and curiosity about my cherished MOPS was making me hyperactive ...so I had a sneaky peek.
I want to share my findings with you all...Who...I wonder has climbed most rankings so far this month? Who has run themself to an exhausted standstill and then some? And this is going to sound a tad too touchy feely and familiar for some of you...but here's a big hug for the current top 10...
TOP MOP so far.....but subject to all manner of attack so not written in stone...yet.
and here you are...my fab fave little critters..troopers who've gone that extra mile
TOP TEN MOPS...but could change
TOP TEN MOPS...but could change
1. ryanknight up 55
2. FANS up 43
3. notae up 36
4. Kick up 35
5. solan_goose up 34
6. salami_swami up 32
7. midgetmark up 30
8. chipownz up 28
9. scubascott up 18
10. poolosopher up 17
10. Wetherby_Pond up 17
10. glitterfairy up 17
2. FANS up 43
3. notae up 36
4. Kick up 35
5. solan_goose up 34
6. salami_swami up 32
7. midgetmark up 30
8. chipownz up 28
9. scubascott up 18
10. poolosopher up 17
10. Wetherby_Pond up 17
10. glitterfairy up 17
hah, caught you thinking I couldn't count there...I can (most of the time)...but there's 3 super talented troopers tied. So congrats are in order to all of them..
Bad luck to onebraincellUK and stuhern there for just been nudged out...but there's ages yet to remedy that...and for other takers to romp up the rankings.
For instance...these!6strings_uk up 9
adumbledore40 up 6
BB1 held position
Bocefish up 5
datrivialist up 2
donamaria up 12
fat_woman9 up 5
finstockian up 15
flopsy held position
Georgia up 8
Jazzrockfusion up 1
jibber up 5
LanaDale up 12
lynn-ann up 7
miffy42 up 13
mike32768 held position
Mikeangel held position
milamtexan up 5
Mutski up 15
NEWSoUSA up 15
OldSpotPig up 16
onebraincellUK up 16
paper_aeroplane up 14
Pix up 12
purelyqing up 14
Qmel held position
Quiz_Beagle up 2
RosaRita up 3
shadowzep up 4
sparklingwine up 6
Squisher up 5
strnog1 held position
Stuhern up 16
adumbledore40 up 6
BB1 held position
Bocefish up 5
datrivialist up 2
donamaria up 12
fat_woman9 up 5
finstockian up 15
flopsy held position
Georgia up 8
Jazzrockfusion up 1
jibber up 5
LanaDale up 12
lynn-ann up 7
miffy42 up 13
mike32768 held position
Mikeangel held position
milamtexan up 5
Mutski up 15
NEWSoUSA up 15
OldSpotPig up 16
onebraincellUK up 16
paper_aeroplane up 14
Pix up 12
purelyqing up 14
Qmel held position
Quiz_Beagle up 2
RosaRita up 3
shadowzep up 4
sparklingwine up 6
Squisher up 5
strnog1 held position
Stuhern up 16
Name not here? Aw...shame...perhaps you haven't played long enough? Oh, you have...then get running and you too can earn the distinction of becoming a mighty MOP !
First Rule of Engagement (there's only one)...take no prisoners...and lob them missiles with menacing intent...and it helps to get the answers right.
Penguin, your numero uno fan,
would like to congratulate everyone on some fine play.
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