Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK That's 7 wins now...ooeerrr...
2. Eebs#2 USA Here come the americans..
3. ryaman#9 USA They've read they're losing!
4. miffy42#6 UK spiffy..sandwiched
5. bernie73#10 USA and skewered by the USA
3/2 for our american buddies...but will they ever get that Stars & stripes flying proudly from the mast again? shadowzep did it once this month...that's it...once.
But the UK & Co are getting feisty, are back in the saddle and...how can I put it delicately.....stomping all over the americans....how's that? Have to admit I was getting worried and wondering when they'd make a comeback.
My fave Challenge player was Seurat...a good but quiet little player...never chats in the itty bitty box and I reckon I've unearthed his secret and know why. Peek in his profile...he's got a sea chest of Pirates Loot stashed in there. My...isn't fun Trivia generous with it's Awards?
A few of you have been honoured lately...look see
Jun 11 08: Qmel won... The Mother of All Trophies
Jun 08 08: Quiz_Beagle won... Submarine
Jun 05 08: bernie73 won... Pirate Loot
Jun 03 08: shoemike won... Treasure Chest
Who dreams up these zany gifts? Even a daft penguin can't compete with that...
I have good news to impart ....OldSpotPig is back...thankfully never ended up in the mincer and reincarnatd as one of catbrat's daily treats. Boy that's a relief.
How about the Mogul?
Yesterdays snappiest Sci-Tech Mogul was miffy42#6 UK
Yes..it's an M day again. There is more news...startling developments..miffy42 has swiped the lead from jules44#1, defending Mogul Maximus. Team infighting? A deliberate tactic to give the pacemaker a rest? The juries out until we see if miffy hands it back.
My fave Mogul was purelyqing...swiped 4th...pushed through the pain barrier to grab a new PB. This is fab...all of you are always going the extra mile...love it...admire all you guys and girls. But what a dratted shame for
lynn-ann. Got 10 right...yep..then the sinking feeling hits cos it's a measly 4 seconds out the time limit. My little head hung low and my beak quivered...shame.
Yesterday the war stats were leaked from HQ too...and I've been cogitating....mulling over the desperate state of affairs and I meditated upon the stars and stripes for a meaningful message till the wee hours.
I got one...
USA...you are magnificent Moguls...pile in..mark your territory...annihilate the UK & Co there. Wars can be won by a mammoth victory on the Mogul run..
You've done it before. The Challenge is a vipers den of UK superhumans...fight the battle there at your own peril! And no I do not speak with forked tongue..and I never advised that chappy called Custer.
To the UK & Co I say...hey well done...you're riding high..fast and furious and have a darn comfy lead. Cherish and protect your Challenge players...make sure none nip off at a critical moment or it could turn the battle. And...shake out them Mogul lassos and try to stop a total american stampede...especially on Music and Movie days when they storm off like dust devils.
My moment of inspiration has passed. And tiring work it was too!
I can see things might get hairy soon...so don't be alarmed if you see me trundling the sidelines in my requisitioned popemobile...I will not harm you.. it's my eccentric personal protection.
Think I might give todays treat a judicious miss...tripe? Brawn? Might need to send out scouts to find cat brat ...
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