Union Jack....
Hoisted by....er....an Unidentified Flying Object
Quick! Hand me a fire extinguisher...player's spontaneously combusted...everyone hide in your bunkers..
let penguin..moi..douse the flames.
1. midgetmark UK Burnt brightly...for 9 seconds
2. miffy42#6 UK Hey..are those friction burns?
3. jules44#1 UK Singed hair?
4. Kick UK Scorch marks?
5. WorldB#1 USA Heat rash?
Yes..it was the human incendiary device....and I bet even he won't be able to beat that! Go on my little midget...I dare you! No, seriously...well done.
You have to feel a twinge of sympathy for his UK teammates who got singed and scorched. Not to mention the debris on the course...created a couple of pile-ups, sending players tumbling headfirst into the trenches.
I mean...all these shared 21 seconds...Kick ...WorldB ...Squisher ...Eebs
and Seurat ...and crammed together on 25 and trampling each other....j2cp2 ...Stuhern ...magijoh1 and Wetherby_Pond .
How close is that!
So who was my fave Challenge player? Was hard. Could have been the charred black winner soldered to the flagpole...but it's Marsalinator and Wetherby Pond...the first for quickly getting back on form and the second because despite not playing everyday is still at a very comfortable 38th in the main table.
On a similar note...ferfer72 is looking pretty snappy this month after only 3 games and riding in 59th. Right...would'nt want to get in their way on a dark night then...
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays top Geography Mogul was miffy42#6 UK
Take care jules...miffy is coming
And everyone skirt around this little 3-way duel between Wilberforce_Dumblebum.... solan_goose and CRAZZYMAN.
Can't get a kipper between them...they all scrapping for the same spot.
My fave Mogul was blackprinceuk...snatched goodies ....got on the bonus table and helped the UK's determined bid to catch the americans. They're still leading...yes they are...by 100 points. Funny..I could have sworn they'd managed to stretch a bigger lead than that this time last month. Could be wrong......probably am as I'm only a nitwit.
Tomorrow I reckon I'll rattle my abacus at HQ. Want to see who's winning the battle so far. The Challenge could be a close run thing...both teams are playing terrifically and fielding strong sides but I have a premonition the UK & Co are tops after the return of a few absentees.
Quick peek over the parapet (in my new heat-retardant suit)...hah..there's already a pile-up forming at 33 secs with lg549....adumbledore40 and magijoh1.
There's another at 25 seconds with j2cp2 and bernie73....except Stuhern 's
just wriggled out from under and victoriously thrown the Union Jack to miffy42.
Eeee heck...this is racy stuff. Is it calmer and more civilized on the Mogul?
Sure isn't. Kick and miffy42 are standing back to back...slingshots loaded with donuts....waiting for america to gt out of bed. Could this be the UK's Day? Again. (How's that for tact)
Eeee heck...this is racy stuff. Is it calmer and more civilized on the Mogul?
Sure isn't. Kick and miffy42 are standing back to back...slingshots loaded with donuts....waiting for america to gt out of bed. Could this be the UK's Day? Again. (How's that for tact)
Time for my treats...I'm on my way over...over and out.
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