April 2008 Team Tournament Results from HQ

I'm frightened....I'm hiding. I've taken up deep
breathing relaxation techniques and invested in a
spanking new hi-tech bulletproof vest.

Are you sitting comfortably...?

Right lets get down to some serious number crunching...and it is serious for one of you.

The USA Have Won Again!
Yes...even without the greatest General alive...the Human Missile mos623...the USA have done it.
And done it in majestic style I might add.

Right here goes..I'll sock it to you straight on the chin.

Uk & Co fielded 47 players and nabbed 12009 = 51.3 of the pumpkin pie.
USA fielded 55 players and nabbed 13366 = 48.7% of the flippin seeds.
How can this be you ask? The USA won more points? But remember this is a team event and the points represent tream size and skill.
Yep...you were the better players UK and so you won by 2.6%.
(Last month was 2.5%)

Then we get to the Mogul...brace yourselves...
USA fielded 33 troops. And what a hit squad...as effective as assassins.
Won 4630 bonus points = 55%
UK & Co fielded 32 troops.
Won 3790 bonus points = 45%
USA crushed the opposition by 10% or 840 points...and hung you out to dry.(Last months win was 3.4% or 340 pts)

Combined Total Scores
USA 52%
UK & C0 48%.
Last month the USA snatched victory by a whisker....0.4%..less than a half percent. This month sees a gargantuan annihilation of 4%. Whoops..that means they're getting better.
Right UK...time to get to HQ and thrash out some war tactics. Your weak spot is the Mogul...so pile in and get sprinting after them bonus points.

I had to check this one out...and guess what .....the biggest landslide victory ever in tournament history was the UK & Co win of December 2007 by a staggering 12%.
Come on UK....go round up those deserters.

Below you can peruse at your leisure...or totally ignore if you hate stats.
Final Rankings & Points Won
The New Top USA & UK Invincibles
The Challenge Daily Winners
The Mogul Grand Results

And tomorrow I wax locaqious over the Individual Awards and my fave...the MOPS



Anonymous said...

Math seems broken -

Uk & Co fielded 47 players and nabbed 12009 = 51.3 of the pumpkin pie.

USA fielded 55 players and nabbed 13366 = 48.7% of the flippin seeds.

US had mote points than UK, but somehow had less than 50% of the points?

Penguin said...

Hiya Mike
The stats are right. I'll explain how it works.

When the tournament first began, to avoid a much larger team swamping a smaller team it was pointed out to me and I subsequently decided it fair, to take into account the amount of players per side.

Hopefully the result then focuses on a teams overall skill rather than the larger army. Much like in a real battle it allows for not so much weight of numbers but the better equipped and more skilful army.

Hope that explains things and seems a fair system to you.I try to make it as fair as possible to keep it fun.

The Mogul however, is a straightforward system of 10 bonus points. This one therefore focuses on individual players merits and talent for differing subjects.

It's nice to hear from you and Congratulations to you and the USA for such a convincing win.
You seem to be unbeatable on the Mogul.

Anonymous said...

Understood and nicely done, boss!

I'm glad,in this battle anyway, to hear that numerical superiority counts for nothing.

Penguin said...

Thanks for your kind words

It does rather keep the emphasis on the team effort and means every single point every single player can earn counts and can make a big difference.

I do so hope everyone here has as much fun as I do. That's what it's all about.