22nd January Shout Box

Stars & Stripes Again!
Hoisted by ryaman

1. ryaman USA You again? My...we are in hyperdrive!
2. jules44#1 UK Romped in 2nd...fending off
3. mos623#1 USA The Missile! It's the USA comeback!
4. Howie72#8 UK Stopped anymore invaders...good work
5. vivtriv#9 UK The sentry on guard. Sharp..deadly.

That's 2 days in a row america. First time this month...but can you breach the Uk defences a third time? Three cheers for america!
My favourite Challenge player was nakarinna..PB for nakarinna...well done! and romped in in the top 10 too.
I was having a peep last night to see who our MOP players are so far this month...yeh, them there dedicated determined troopers who have climbed up the rankings this month...who fight with knuckle dusters...not velvet gloves...cos they're hungry for success! Yeh...the high achievers.
Remember...end of month Top 10 Mops get listed for eternal fame in the Hall of Flame and get to live on the lower ledges of Olympus. And ain't that infamy worth fighting for.
So many of you are so good the honours list is pretty long....and makes pretty interesting reading.
Congratulations to all of you mentioned here...
But first...a moments reverent silence for these giants...the top 10...did you just feel a quiver of fear run down your spine? I did...they're so frightening good.
(ps. 11 actually.. cos we have tie)

1. Deborah USA...Up 78. Could this be our next Top MOP?
2. results UK...Up 56
3. cyprus1 UK...Up 36
4 greenkiwi UK...Up 33
5. judetheobvious UK...Up 30
6. bernie73 USA...Up 25
7. Qmel USA...Up 23
8. montydog UK...Up 20
9. amy-lynn UK...Up 18
10. solan_goose UK...Up 16
11. Bocefish USA...Up 16

adumbledore40 USA...Up 1
Alien8 USA...Up 10
Avin_Itoffski UK...Up 7
BB1 USA...Up 9
bhs63 USA...Up 9
blackprinceUK UK...Up 7
burnsbaron UK...Up 12
castortroy USA...Up 12
Demelza UK...Up 8
donamaria USA...Up 12
Dr_Gas UK...Up 2
elamcs USA...Up 6
EweMama USA...Up 2
fat_woman9 USA...Held position
finstockian UK...Up 8
gottago24 USA...Up 3
hemisphere USA...Up 13
Howie72 UK...Up 6
j2cp2 USA...Up 3
jacky UK...Up 2
Jazzrockfusion USA...Up 3
jibber UK...Up 2
jules44 UK...Held position
kwd42co USA...Up 10
lunabelle UK...Up 15
Maggie UK...Up 1
magijoh1 UK...Up 8
mfc UK...Up 10
mhallesy UK...Up 11
mike32768 USA...Held position
moist1 USA...Up 14
mos623 USA...Up 1
OldSpotPig UK...Up 15. Current Reigning MOP
polaris UK...Up 8
poolosopher USA...Up 4
romeomikegolf UK...Up 8
ryaman USA...Up 8
Sallyannh UK...Up 1
shadowzep USA...Up 5
Silvertop UK...Up 11
sleepytigercub UK...Up 12
sparklingwine UK...Up 2
Squisher UK...Up 14
StinkyPudden USA...Up 1
Stuhern UK...Up 5
TAKROM USA...Held position
tihata USA...Up 1
Turnbaby USA...Up 15
vivtriv UK...Up 6
Well Done all of you.....And incase modesty prevents you ...let me brag for you. You're clever...sharp...snappy contenders...fearsome..bold...and getting deadly.
Sorry if your name is'nt here. It means you have'nt played the Challenge long enough...or....sympathetic shake of the head: Bad Luck...You've been outplayed...you've lost ground...change your mouses diet to one more highly nutritous...and better luck by the months end...it's not too late.

And the Mogul
Yesterdays Great Geography Mogul was miffy42#2 UK

It's my spiffy miffy again. Nabbed 9 wins now has miffy. I'm seriously doubting there's anyone...from anywhere can thieve miffy's crown.
My favourite Mogul was....mikew41...Who I hear you ask? Tattoo the name on your forehead...it's a newcomer. Is this beginnners luck? A fluke? Could he upset the miffy quo? (status quo). First days whizzing down the Mogul and already scored bonus goodies for the UK....now that's attention grabbing and made me sit up straight with wonder.
So I'll welcome mikew41 properly...Hiya there...and not to be outdone we have a new recruit for the USA too. A warm welcome to moonlight. Hope you both like it here..and can stand the punishment. It's tough...but friendly fun.

I just peeked over the parapet...double vision tells me miffy42 is leading both quizzes! Yeh...it's true...Go miffy...go...keep running...someone is bound to try to take you down! The USA will have a bounty on your head by now!..NO...not a bar of chocolate...a bounty!

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