25th July Shout Box

Yes....Start Celebrating Brits....MaggieG has done it again! We have one dynamite player here!

I'm up and down that flag pole like a loon these days.
So what did yesterday bring? Well...as mentioned...MaggieG saved the day for the beleagured Brits...and beleagured is the right word.

Lets see those stats for yesterday and you'll see what I mean...
1. MaggieG UK. Saved the Day!
2. Marsalinator USA. Told you all to watch him...took top place in the overall scoreboard.
3. Pamelia USA. Always consistently good and up there with the giants. Fine work!
4. poolosopher USA. Another great USA contender and a nice guy aswell.
5. JJay UK. UK. Always there for the UK....an ace scrapper...never lets up the pressure.

And a bit quieter too yesterday on the recruiting front.
Welcome to spuder who signed up to play for the USA! Hope you like it here.
Welcome to.......no one.....for the UK. Oh dear....

And there has been a leadership change....hovenaut has been knocked from top spot by Marsalinator....an epic pursuit there...fun to watch over the days....thanks guys.
Only now Marsalinator has bobbed off for a few days. Oh well....hovenaut can filch it back.

And everyone look at your own placing in the hierachal scheme of things.....Tournament Stats....because position means precious points you've won for your country.

The team event is what this challenge is about....I will adding bits and bobs to the blog explaining how it will work...and I'm keeping it simple....primarily because I'm simple....and you'll easily be able to keep your own tally of how you're doing.

First and foremost this should be fun and we want competitive spirit and to have a laugh with new friends here and yon across the Atlantic.

Enough...I can woffle on (for you yanks...that means incessant chatter without getting to the point)...and the point is

Get Playing!

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