Crowning Champs Day. March 2012 Winners

The throne is once again dusted off and the red carpet is lain.
One throne for a wonderful double champ. Will anyone ever manage to evict our jules44 from her lofty perch? I suspect not, but then I'm only a penguin. So please .... Revered, Magnificent jules44 will you snuggle into your comfy throne whilst the rest of us cheer and wonder silently and privately how to sabotage your scrolling finger or tie your running legs.
Winner of both the Challenge quiz and the Survivor!
I have to say it was lovely to see my spiffy miffy42 back in combat gear and fighting fit. And our top American players? In the Challenge there was a posse of three Generals who romped in led by hammerdjh. But an Amercian champ was not meant to be. Nor in the Survivor where WorldB stormed home .... and I was nibbling my flippers right up until the end in case he captured and defeated our Quiz Queen jules.

There've been evictions on Mount Olympus. I heard the screams earlier as Schoonie101 USA and martin cube UK and Dr Gas UK plummeted in free fall down from the lofty heights. Did they jump or were they pushed? Well .. I exagerated there a bit. Dr Gas did not plummet. He floated down instead with panache. But it means we have new residents on the lofty ledges of the Invincibles.
A big welcome first to postcards2go USA ..... and miffy42 and Strum for the UK who scrambled upto their new perches. Everyone else remember to Fear them , .... for they are Great. The cleverest and the toughest fighters on the battleground.

USA Invincibles
#1 hammerdjh
#2 Anton
#3 WorldB
#4 Clamking
#5 j2cp2
#6 timmacg
#7 Suep
#8 Qmel
#9 johnsnow
#10 postcards2go
... parachuted onto the heights of Olympus.

UK & Co Invincibles
#1 jules44
#2 miffy42 ...
returned back to the windswwept ledges.
#3 morelli
#4 markswood
#5 lg549
#6 paper aeroplane
#7 magijoh1
#8 dippo
#9 briarwoodrose
#10 Strum ...
bungey jumped back onto the heights.

Now these might be ferocious and be the top generals from each army but who were the best players in March? My proteges. The valiant quizzers who I monitor with my beady eye ... the ones who run their little knees down to smouldering sore stubs and improved their rankings on February? These are the guys (and girls and cunning little animals) who earn a pengy hug and my undying admiration .... and I say .... three cheers for!

My Top Mops
1. miffy42 UK up 40 Absolute TOP MOP
2. LauraMcC UK up 13
3. jacky UK up 9
4. WorldB USA up 6
5. polaris UK up 6
6. johnsnow USA up 5
7. astralspace USA up 5
8. blackprinceUK UK up 5
9. pamelab USA up 5
10. onebraincellUK UK up 4

Well done there pamelab and astralspace. And LauraMcC .. so close to been Top Mop with such an enviable increase of rank but with miffy back from his exile I doubt anyone could beat his storming return.
And who else held their rank or did better? My other faves. Well done!

Blackdresss USA held rank
daver852 USA up 2
gracie USA held rank
jules44 UK held rank
Maggie UK up 3
pc377 UK held rank
postcards2go USA held rank
strum UK up 3
suep USA up 1
timmacg USA up 2
tisonlyme321 UK up 3
trooper2196 UK up 1

Name not on the list?
Ah .. then better luck next month my friend. This means either you haven't played the Challenge in two consecutive months or sadly, you slid down the trenches.
The remedy?
Drop into the smorgasbord for a bite. Now whilst I'm uncertain about the performance enhancing qualities of Qmel's pink slime, todays chilli cheese dogs sounds promising. I say, .... Go for it. And if you're a UK trooper ... sample the bubble & squeak off martin cube. There is nothing in the rule book against been wind assisted.

And me? I shall give my trusty binoculars a wipe and shrug into a clean referee's tuxedo.

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