Crowning Champs Day. January 2012 Winners

This is a special Crowning Champs Day .... a momentous day which will be remembered in all the best, most fearsome sagas and legends. Of a war that is fought by humans ... by the greatest nations on planet Earth.
Still, as usual I threaten to woffle on!
WARNING: This is an epic post, as is fitting, so get comfy and even better have a drink in your hand to raise a toast ...or two ... or three.

On to the interesting stuff!
The Challenge war.
Since July 2007 when war was declared, 574 brave warriors have enlisted and fought for their country on the Challenge battlefield ... with hopefully many more to come!
Ah .. I feel a nostalgic moment coming on.
These are the first ever brave heroes who won victory for their country. I thought you might to see it and pause a moment to honour them.
The UK Versus USA Challenge July 2007
40 players played during the month.
1. magijoh1 UK First ever Challenge Champ
2. Marsalinator USA
3. hovenaut USA
4. mhallesy UK
5. JJay_UK UK
6. poolosopher USA
7. onebraincellUK UK
9. londoneye UK
Three cheers and a Long Service Medal .. and it goes without saying, my undying admiration to magijoh1 , our first ever Challenge Champ, for his patriotism and ... continuous great play! I do believe he has attained the lofty heights of Olympus and gained Invincible status ever since! A worthy foe who must make our American cousins quake!
The famous fighters were the First ... and after vigorous recruiting the next monthly battle had 168 new fighters!
The UK Versus USA Challenge Aug 2007
168 players played during the month
1. mos623 USA
2. miffy42 UK
3. peachy_1 USA
4. WorldB USA
5. midgetmark UK
6. Howie72 UK
7. MaggieG UK
8. Mink UK
9. vivtriv UK
10. strnog1 USA
Ah .. mos6231 ... I remember him well. Still fights the good fight now and then but I remember him best for saying in that itty bitty little chat box that he'd sold his soul to help enhance his play! This is dedication to national prestige with a vengeance and to be admired. I do admire humans by the way and regard them as wondrous beings.
Especially those who gain Invincible status and reside on the lofty Mount Olympus. Fear these super beings for they are GREAT! The ground shakes and trembles when they come racing through the trenches with sparks flying from their heels.
Many Invincibles have climbed the heights and been evicted from off the ledges and these are our current Invincibles .... both armies most daunting generals who led the troops in January 2012.
USA Invincibles
#1 hammerdjh
#2 WorldB ... a true veteran and great fighter!
#3 j2cp2
#4 Clamking
#5 Qmel ... also our brlliant provider of daily nibbles!
#6 suep
#7 Schoonie101
#8 timmacg
#9 johnsnow
#10 twosleepy
Sadly, Rage was evicted and tumbled from the heights ... but a cheer for johnsnow who jetpacked up to the windy eyrie!
The UK & Co Invincibles
#1 jules44
#2 morelli
#3 dippo
#4 magijoh1 ... first ever Challenge Champ!
#5 markswood
#6 briarwoodrose
#7 lg549
#8 paper aeroplane
#9 flopsy
#10 strum
and martin cube tumbled of the ledge ... whilst flopsy and strum acheive eternal fame and supreme being status.
And now to the Crowning. I have burnished the crown till it makes my eyes water looking at my reflection in it. No .. I'm not narcistic ... but it's only the best for our current Challenge Champ.
jules44 will you kindly step forward and take your place on your throne ... dusted, oiled and plugged in so you can enjoy the gentle massage action on those tired aching muscles. It's tough been a champ and fighting off that stiff opposition. The Americans have some tough Generals to beat!
Don't move jules! Stay seated!
For you also claim the envious title of Mogul Maximus. The last ever Mogul Maximus.
The guillotine has now been dismantled and packed away and the crate freighted by plane to the French Goverment. A barbaric implement ... but fiendlishly great fun!
I shall retract that last remark .... as I'm a pacificist.
Since September 2007 a total of 244 Mogullers enlisted and raced to beat the 60 second guillotine. Heads have rolled, scalps have been shaved and nailed to totem poles but these are the first ... and the last ever Top 10 Moguls of all time. Remember these guys ... for you will never see their like again!
The First
Mogul Event Sept 2007
54 players played during the month
1. miffy42 UK
Mogul Maximus
2. mike32768 USA
3. jules44 UK
4. mos623 USA
5. vivtriv UK
6. ryaman USA
7. Marsalinator USA
8. WorldB USA
9. tihata USA
10. Mink UK
The Latest
... and the Last Great Moguls.
Mogul January 2012
36 players played during the month.
1. jules44 UK Mogul Maximus
2. morelli UK
3. hammerdjh USA
4. markswood UK
5. magijoh1 UK
6. Clamking USA
7. lg549 UK
8. dippo UK
9. Qmel USA
10. paper_aeroplane UK
I say ... there's a few familiar names up in the first list!
I gulp at a lump in my throat. Where did the lost heroes and heroines go? Taken out by an enmey sniper? Retired with military honours? I wish them well wherever they are!
And as the first ... and the last of the greatest Moguls to have walked the planet I shall create a monument somewhere on this blog so we can forever remember their names. For pengy loves a fighter!
And so we move onto the Titans.
As with the Moguls we have fought the last skirmish here as the battle lines have moved.
Hostilities broke out in July 2008, and Invincibles were excluded, though a few rogue mavericks have stormed through the trenches with me in hot pursuit! I saw you yesterday, martin cube and markswood and Qmel. Hee..hee .. I almost joined you!
Over the years 125 players have enlisted for the Titans.
And these are the First top 10 ... and the last.
The First Ever Top 10 Titans July 2008
1. Qmel USA
Titanasaurus Rex
2. Surrealist USA
3. j2cp2 USA
4. Little_Heaven UK
5. sparklingwine UK
6. scubascott USA
7. lg549 UK
8. poolosopher USA
9. TAR_fan USA
10. flicker123 UK
and ...
The Last Ever Top 10 Titans January 2012
1. Doc UK Titanasaurus Rex
2. Quiz_Beagle UK
3. johnsnow USA
4. strum UK
5. MarchHare007 UK
6. SueC UK
7. pc377 UK
8. trooper2196 UK
9. jacky UK
10. blackprinceuk UK
Both these Rolls of Honour will be preserved .. of the mighty, the patriotic .. and a special mention to the last 6 Americans to fight. Always outnumbered but who didn't desert the battlefield.
Three cheers to johnsnow .. daver852 .. pamelab ..klinksy_1987 .. dgbad1 .. Blackdresss ..... and 2 cheeky Invincibles .... Qmel and twosleepy.
Will Doc please take a bow and come and claim your throne .. to reign forever! Yes .. you can keep the throne.
And now to the Survivor. Another great battle and one which will continue, with new battle rules. No elimination .. Piranha has retired. Though rumour has it that the last denizens of the Pit finally overcame and beat the fishy fiend.
135 players have so far dared to enlist in the toughest of all wars.
Who were the first winners?
The Survivors...The Final Frontier July 2008
1. BB1 USA
Sole Survivor
2. WorldB USA
3. Paper_aeroplane UK
4. ryanknight USA
5. Quiz_Beagle UK
6. j2cp2 USA
7. Eebs USA
8. jules44 UK
9. Qmel USA
10. miffy42 UK
11. scubascott USA
12. mike32768 USA
13. Stuhern UK
14. Surrealist USA

and the lastest ....
The Survivor. The Final Frontier January 2012
1. timmacg USA Sole Survivor

KO7. briarwoodrose UK
KO6. markswood UK
KO6. dippo UK
KO5. johnsnow USA
KO5. Maggie UK
KO5. jules44 UK
KO5. WorldB USA
KO4. morelli UK
KO4. hammerdjh USA
KO4. martin_cube UK
KO4. lg549 UK
This war will go on ... so
timmacg, take a bow and settle in your throne. But will you be able to keep it? Piranha might be defeated but the competiton (and the questions) are tough and only the toughest will survive.... but helpfully sustained by Qmel and martin cube now in charge of the cleaned out Pit. The convoys of nibbles are been transported as I type ... under pengy escort.
Finally ... my MOPS .. no, not domestic appendages for cleaning but my most tresured proteges.
Hail j2cp2! And magnificently won I might say. You romped up through the Challenge trenches and improved your ranking from December by 18 trenches.
Our new Top Mops
j2cp2 USA up 18 Absolute Top Mop
MarchHare007 UK up 10
briarwoodrose UK up 8
timmacg USA up 8
dippo UK up 7
poppop4 USA up 7
johnsnow USA up 6
shadow USA Up 6
WorldB USA up 4
suep USA up 4
flopsy UK up 4
strum UK up 4
gracie USA up 4
astralspace USA up 4
all the players who skinned their knees fighting for their country ... and win personal glory and a hug from moi, the Penguin referee.
blackprinceUK UK up 3
hammerdjh USA up 2
jacky UK up 3
jules44 UK held rank
lg549 UK up 2
Magijoh1 UK up 3
markswood UK held rank
morelli UK up 2
n1kers UK up 1
onebraincellUK UK held rank
pc377 UK up 3
polaris UK up 3
Qmel USA up 1
Quiz_Beagle UK up 2
rockgirl63 USA up 3
Schoonie101 USA held rank
tisonlyme321 UK up 2
twosleepy USA up 1
Ah .. it's all so overwhelming and more than once I dabbed at my eyes. Come to think of it perhaps it was rather prophetic of me to call the champs ... Titansaurus Rex and Mogul Maximus.
The end of an era.
But not the end of the war.
The Challenge and the Survivor go on ... until one army surrenders
. if, hey?
Throw away the tissues and shrug into your flak jackets. I shall jog over to the battlefields now with my aqua vitae and referees's baton.
ps. A big thank you to Piranha, AKA Stuhern, without which this great war would never have achieved such popularity and brought so many players such fun.

As a famous general once said .... I shall be back!
At weekend to report on the current war

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