Current USA Army Active Service List 2007 - 2017

United States of America

Determined either by USA etc on end of user name....or IP address...or by declaring who you are playing for!
1. hammerdjh
2. WorldB
3. j2cp2
4. Clamking
5. Qmel
6. Schoonie101
7. suep
8. timmacg
9. johnsnow
10. twosleepy
11. shadow
12. rockgirl63
13. poppop4
14. astralspace
15. gracie
16. argentum
17. ferfer72
18. pamelab
19. daver852
20. klinski_1987
21. dgbad1
22. snuffyhugo
23. Rage
24. Mikeangel
25. postcards2go
26. Anton
27. shadowzep
28. scubascott
29. Blackdresss
30. soplar
31. joanne384
32. raffucci
33. coachpauly
34. bernie73

35. Marsalinator
36. Braindart
37. Alanwonga5
38. lazer58
39. moffman
40. RJ
41. Salami Swami
42. JCSon1982
43. bitterlyold
44. waftinghaze
45. biggirl
46. TSwanson
47. datrivialist
48. K-Dog1
49. goldbob
50. mdurnanj
51. TaltarzacUSA
52. cubswin2323
53. DomiNeyTor
54. tomwheat
55. tikal700
56. LostHighway
57. TriviaFan22
58. TimBentley
59. BxBarracuda
60. DireWolf74
61. jackd
62. themonarch
63. raidersruleall
64. BxBarracuda


JCSon1982 said...

I am plying for the USA army.

Penguin said...

Thanks for letting me know JCSon1982 ... you have now been added to the list of fantastic USA troops.

mdurnanj said...

Can I get added to the USA team?

Unknown said...

Please, put me on the USA team.

Unknown said...

My name is LostHighway

Anonymous said...

Pengy, please change the spelling of my name on the US list to Blackdresss with three s's. Just a wee, tiny typo.

Penguin said...

mdurnanj, LostHighway and Blackdresss I've updated the list.

At long last lol!