Results from HQ for October 2010

Will the fabulous USA army win again?
Will the UK & Co army avert national humiliation?

Does Pengy need the safety of the bomb pod ... , that rocket looking gizmo thing there.
Yes! It's ready with door open for the mad dash.

HQ stats

The Challenge
USA fielded 33 troopers and a team average of 8414 pts = 51.5%
UK & Co fielded 29 troopers and nabbed a team average of 7929 pts = 48.5%
The USA bionic battlers won the October Challenge by 3%
Don't despair Uk & Co ... you put up terrific resistance, you are destined for Greatness too, one day ... last month you were thrashed by 11.4%.
Alas .. you still lost this battle. Never before have the USA fielded such a bonecrushing army.

The Titans
USA fielded 10 fab sprinters , nabbed a team average of 7312 pts = 59.2%
UK & Co fielded 17 brave fighters who don't know the meaning of the word surrender and snatched a team average of 5025 pts = 40.8%
USA won the October Titan by a staggering 18.4% ... last month it was 25%
Ah .. I can see shellshocked UK troops staggering in the trenches .. numbed ... battered.. bruised... but never cowed into submission.
What will it take to contain this USA army!

The Moguls
USA wriggled under the 60 second guillotine and grabbed 3720 points = 47.6%
UK & Co slithered nimbly under the chopper with 4090 pts = 52.4%
Yes! Victory for the UK & Co!
UK & Co win the October Mogul by 4.8% ... last month they won by 8.6.
I spy a pattern forming here. It's an inconsistent pattern so there's an outside chance this simpleminded pengy could be wrong. It's not unknown. Could it be the UK's last bastion against the USA horde is soon destined to be in peril? Their usual Mogul lead was whittled away... and I swear there are less American scalps nailed to the totem poles by the guillotine. Woad wearers ... this is serious!
I am peeking at the final battle stats through the gaps in my flippers.
The Survivor
USA are starting to get oh so good at climbing out of the deadly Pit. Piranha's diet is mainly UK food did you know? Less beefburgers from that well known fast food chain ... ah, that's it! Americans are fast food and managing to out run Piranha!
USA snatched 5025 pts before becoming tasty snacks = 53.9%
UK & Co grabbed 4300 pts before becoming mincemeat = 46.1%
USA win the October Survivor battle by 7.8%

I joyfully rattle and shake my abacus and over the four battles that make this perpetual nailbiting war .... we have
The USA win the October war with 53% of the pumpkin pie!
Whilst the Uk & Co limp home with 47%
This is a 6% win! Last month it was 9%
Hah .. at this rate ... I feel a pengy prediction coming , wait for it .... ... in 2 months time we will have a draw!
Come on UK & Co ... pengy loves an underdog and always supports them ..... well, what else did you expect from a committed pacifist?

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