Results from HQ for September 2010

Yes! That's my one man (pengy) hideout shelter.
And yes ... today I feel I need it. I have no illusions about my own bravery!
I shall just chuck a cushion in there ... report from HQ ... and dive in!
Painful for one army ... a source of rejoicing and worth declaring a national holiday for the other.
Let's get on ........
The Challenge
USA fielded 29 troopers and nabbed 8558 points = 55.7%
UK & Co fielded 28 troopers and swiped 6564 points = 44.3%
The USA army thrashed the woad wearers and won Septembers Challenge by an 11.4% margin
Lat month the USA won by 9%.
Pengy observation: My little beak has drooped at the corners ... oh the shame ...
Never has the USA army been so tough ... taking no prisoners ... stomping the UK into the gooey mud of the battlefield with no mercy. I know this to be fact .. I can see the foot prints on their backs. I blame these new troopers they've enlisted and the return of some experience war vets.
But .. that was only one battle and as we all know ... battles don't win wars .. though they help conserably of course. So I'll wave my referees taser and announce the next stats.
Ouch they're burning my flippers!
The Titan
USA fielded 8 troopers and nabbed 2405 points = .... = oh dear, = 62.5%
UK & Co fielded 14 brave national heroes and nabbed 2530 points = 37.5%
The whole of the UK ground to a halt then. The gasp of shock registered on the Richter Scale.
The magnificent USA troopers won the September Titan by (gulp) .. 25%.
Last month they won by 15.6%
This is getting serious!
The Mogul
The USA wriggled under the 60 second guillotine .. and very nice to watch too they were ... and nabbed 3350 bonus goodies = 45.7%
The UK & Co slithered better, faster and more nimbly and stashed 3980 points = 54.3%
Yes! UK % Co revenge! All is not lost but will it be enough!
The UK & Co army won Septembers Mogul by 8.6 %
Last month the UK won by 16%. Hmm ... bit of an alarming drop there then. I shall zip my beak and patter my flippers on the keyboard and move on as any good diplomat knows how to do when disaster looms.
The Survivor
The USA were very impressive and grabbed 4285 points = 54.%
Yes .. you already know what this means don't you? Piranha's diet consisted mainly of fresh food imported from the UK.
The UK & Co , neatly munched by Piranha, went down fighting and won 3625 points = 46%
The USA won Septembers Survivor by 9%.
Last month the UK won by 2%.
Right ... who gets to say it? Who other than the referee can say it without risk of personal assault or injury?
UK & Co you were hammered. Badly beaten ... annihilated. Humiliated. Had your faces rubbed in the mud! You are in big, big trouble.
I cast a longing wistful eye at my hideout ... a safe haven... will I be able to reach it before you've finnished reading this next line ........................... or 4
Overall on the four battlefields the USA grabbed 54.5%
Overall on the four battlefields the UK & Co grabbed 45.5%
The USA are Septembers undoubted, formidable champs! By 9%. Yes ... a whole 9%
Last month the USA won by a mere 1.6%
UK & Co are you doomed to be beaten again in October?
Pengy Law: Firing squads are not allowed. No one takes this war seriously.
And can someone please sneak some food to me from Qmel's smorgasbord .. I could be hiding in here for sometime.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pengy!

You wrote:
"USA fielded 8 troopers and nabbed 2405 points = .... = oh dear, = 62.5%
UK & Co fielded 14 brave national heroes and nabbed 2530 points = 37.5%"

How is 2405 vs 2530 the same as 62.5% vs 37.5%

I hope this doesn't tank it for the Americans!

Penguin said...

Hi Anon

Both the Challenge and the Titans are team battles.
That's to say the teams total score is then divided by how many players they had and then multiplied by how many days in the month.
It can make for some interesting results. The USA fielded 8 players .. and the UK & Co fielded 14. The final result shown does actually reflect the whole teams average.

Hope that helps
Who loves to chat to humans

Penguin said...

Hi Anon

Both the Challenge and the Titans are team battles.
That's to say the teams total score is then divided by how many players they had and then multiplied by how many days in the month.
It can make for some interesting results. The USA fielded 8 players .. and the UK & Co fielded 14. The final result shown does actually reflect the whole teams average.

Hope that helps
Who loves to chat to humans

Penguin said...

thats's strange ... I don't normally repeat myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no problem.

I thought the points (2405 and 2530) already had the weighting in.


twosleepy said...

Hi Pengy! Twosleepy here... I see I got "Top Mop", but I can't find a write-up anywhere. Just wondering how I got the honor. Thanks! :0)